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Financial Calculation of Long Term Tasks in Mine Water Management

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Calculation of Long Term Tasks in Mine Water Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Calculation of Long Term Tasks in Mine Water Management
Presenter: Carsten Drebenstedt Co-Author: Dieter Slaby Belgrade, 1

2 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities Content
Preliminary Remarks The Problem Methodology of Financial Valuation Valuation Model General Conclusions Case Studies Valuation of Alternatives One-off payment Conclusions 2

3 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Preliminary Remarks - Fundamental approach of valuation in mining industry: Capitalized Value of Potential Earnings take into account the valuation of deposits, projects and companies in their entirety considere (by opportunity or alternative cost accounting): Mining companies internal economics External effects (e.g. influence to the environment) Protection of deposites 3

4 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities The Probleme
Mining will allways effect the environment reclamation Major Features (e.g. water management): Long-term Character (infinite duration) Special Risks (technical alternatives, insufficient process knowledge) Financial Valuation problems in two fields: Technical Alternatives (Investments vs. Aftercare costs) One–off payment in case of transfer the responsibility 4

5 Financial Responsibility:
Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities The Problem II Financial Responsibility: Principle of causation (mining company) Other principles: Burden-charing User principle principle of feasibility and reasonableness In East Germany: The owner (state) of the mining companies liquidated 1990 New responsibility: Federal Republic of Germany/ New Federal States € 15 bn! 5

6 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Methodology of Financial Valuation - Model AW - expense parameter, € At(0) - periodic amount for the cash-layout costs and investments in period t at the valuation level in base year 0 (annuity), € t - valuation period (year) T - period q - imputed interest (real rate of interest), %/a 6

7 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Methodology of Valuation – Model II 7

8 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Methodology of Evaluation – Model III q - imputed interest rate, modified qR - original imputed real interest rate qInfl - inflation factor qV - summarized object-related modification factor of the valuation criteria (prices) pR - discount interest rate for technological and commercial risks 8

9 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Methodology of Valuation – General Conclusions AW responds rather sensitively to changes in the modified interest rate; (exponential growth with a declining interest); than lower the interest rate, than more sensitive Priority: decision on the rate of inflation-adjusted basic interest q and on the interest rate for risks involved pR (low interest rate promotes alternatives with less intensive aftercare, but higher investments) Influence of T is growing with the limitation of project duration; after 30 years the influence will declined ( AW < 10 % bei T = 50 a und T= ) When T is limited, the exact determination of expense becomes more important 9

10 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Case Study 1: Valuation of Alternatives I 1 2 3a 4 5 6 7 3b bb b + 169 м + 165 м + 175 м Mine lake water control: Pumping vs. Outflow Duration: T = permanently Risk: low (pR = 0.5 %/a) 1- mining lake, 2 – dam, 3a – open ditch, 3b – pipe installation, 4 – river, 5 – pump station, 6 – pipe installation, 7 - road 10

11 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Case Study 1: Valuation of Alternatives II Project Expense Option 1: Stationary Pump Option 2: Free outflow Open trench Pipeline 1. Investments, 103€ 1.1 on-off, 103 € 1.2 Cyclic renewable every 12 a, 103 € 1.3 Cyclic renewable every 40 a, 103 € Renewable of existing Plant, every, alle 40 a, 103 € 3. Operating Costs, 103 €/a 71.3 10.2 20.2 40.9 21.6 18.6 524.5 505.1 - 19.4 537.3 272.5 264.8 Expense Parameter AW, 103 € 693.8 825.0 947.3 11

12 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Case Study 1: Valuation of Alternatives III Project Results: Real interest = 3.5 % / p.a.: advantage Option 1 = 18.9 % Real interest = 3 % p.a.: both options equivalent Real interest = 5 % p.a.: advantage Option 1 = 36.4 % 12

13 of Long Term Post Mining Activities Case Study 2: Determine
Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities Case Study 2: Determine the on-off payment I Water and Soilair treatment coking coal plant 13

14 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities
Case Study 2: Determine the on-off payment II Project expenses/ Operating costs Costs in €/a Manpower 91,500 Energy 17,500 Materials (Chemicals) 40,000 Services third site: Maintenance, planing  72,500 Other costs 15,000 Overall Investments Treatment plant: Realized: €1,000,000 New: € 750,000 (in year 8) Other data: Time of operation: 23 years Real interest = 3,5 % Risk interest = 0,5 %/a (Duration?) Expense Parameter: € M 4.674 14

15 Financial Valuation of Long Term Post Mining Activities Conclusion
The financial valuation of especially long-term responsibilities of mine closure expenses is possible by an inter-temporal approach Evaluation criteria is the expense parameter of the related costs and investments (negative income) The most important datas for the valuation model are: Real interest, technical and risks, Duration of the project, Operationg Costs, Investments The calculation method is proofed by several practical case studies for both: Valuation of alternatives or determine the on-off payment 15

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