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Workers Unite.

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Presentation on theme: "Workers Unite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workers Unite

2 Unions Unions- organization of workers to fight for better rights
Strikes- workers unite and refuse to work until needs are met.

3 Opposing Unions Yellow-dog contract- required a worker to not join a Union Lockout- employers prevent unions from forming by denying them entry to work Blacklist- list of people considered union starters

4 The Great Strike of 1877 First major organized strike
railroad workers protested a cut in wages walked off job and smashed equipment President Hayes sent army to reopen railroad

5 Larger Labor Unions Knights of Labor- first labor union that opened membership to EVERY worker who wanted it 8 hour workday, equal pay for women, end to child labor

6 Haymarket Affair Haymarket Affair (1886)- Police try to break up rally supporting nationwide strike for 8 hour workday in Chicago A bomb is thrown at police 11 people die This hurts the K.O.L.

7 American Federation of Labor
Formed by Samuel Gompers 3 aims: Collective bargaining- negotiations between workers and employers Closed shops- companies could only hire union members 8 hour workday

8 Homestead Strike (1892) Workers strike at one of the Carnegie Steel mills due to wages being cut Led to an armed conflict and 12 deaths

9 American Railway Union (1893)
founded by socialist Eugene V. Debs Socialism- government ownership of all industries Led Pullman Strike- a railroad company, slashed workers wages Strike ends when President Cleveland orders mail attached to rail cars (federal crime to obstruct mail)

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