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Boston Public Health Commission ID Bureau Education & Outreach Office Progress Reporting Helpful Hints.

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Presentation on theme: "Boston Public Health Commission ID Bureau Education & Outreach Office Progress Reporting Helpful Hints."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boston Public Health Commission ID Bureau Education & Outreach Office Progress Reporting
Helpful Hints

2 Why we ask you to submit Progress Reports
To show relevant work that is not fully captured by data alone To let us know about accomplishments/problems with funded programs To explain reasons for over or under spending To keep us apprised on trends occurring in the communities you serve

3 Parts of the Progress Report:
1.  Update of Progress on Goals and Objectives: Describe your progress in meeting your goals and objectives as defined in your scope of services. (See document at end of presentation to help w/this)

4 2. Program Status and Activities:
Provide us with an update on the status of the program and the services you are delivering, including a detailed account of the activities conducted under this contract.

5 4. Description of Problems and Challenges
3. Personnel Status Describe any staff changes or trainings that staff have attended. If staff is newly hired, and trainings attended are those required in the Standards, you may submit copies of training certificates, and file originals. 4. Description of Problems and Challenges Describe any challenges your program has recently experienced, and how you are coping with these challenges. This includes any over or underspending issues, and how you plan to address them.

6 5. Description of Emerging Needs
Any additional needs that your program is facing, and how you plan to address them. Please use this section to provide us with key information regarding unmet need, trends, spikes in disease rates and issues regarding barriers to counseling, testing and vaccination. 6. Progress on Plan of Corrective Action Report on any citations given by the BPHC in the past year until officially notified by the BPHC that the citation has been lifted.

7 7. Testing/Screening & Referrals
If you conduct testing on site, use this tool (a copy will be ed to each agency for your use) to report on all HIV tests and screenings for Hep B, Hep C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis conducted by your agency as a whole during the reporting period. Please also provide total # of new positive results. The tool will automatically compile the % positive. If you don’t provide testing on site, please report in your narrative the number of referrals made and confirmed for each of the above as well as primary referral site.

8 8. Miscellaneous Let us know about any other additional information that you feel is relevant!

9 Differences in reporting requirements for Major and Mini Grants
As a reminder, Major Grant recipients must report on their data for each month by the 15th of the following month (e.g. May data is due June 15th) and must submit progress reports on a quarterly basis (see pg. 4 in your Provider Manual for the list of deadlines). Recipients of Mini Grants must report on their progress at the 6 and 12 month intervals (see pg. 10 in your Provider Manual for the list of deadlines) and all data for the period must be entered by the same deadline.

10 Key issues we encounter with progress reports:
Sending old progress reports with only the date changed (sometimes not even!) Summary of activities does not match reported data. No completed Service Tracking Log included. Reformatting of Service Tracking Log. Narrative lacks complete information or is significantly different than prior submissions. Late reports: if your report must be late, please let us know. Not reporting on P.O.C.A: when receiving a citation, you must continue to report on your P.O.C.A. until the citation is formally lifted. No testing data/referral info included Data for period not in on time See pages 6 and 12 of your Provider Manual for sample templates for you to use.

11 Two Documents to Assist You in Your Monthly and Trimester Reporting
Service Tracking Log: Major Grant SAMPLE Outcomes Measurement Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr Yearly Total Goal % to Date Increase HIV testing by 10% % inicreased 0% 10% Increase HCV testing by 10% Increase GC testing by 10% Increase CT testing by 10% Increase Syphilis testing by 10% Outcomes taken from Scope. Respond to these in your report narrative Progress made by quarter

12 Two Documents to Assist You in Your Monthly and Trimester Reporting
Service Tracking Log: Mini Grant SAMPLE Outcomes Measurement First 6 Months Second 6 Months Yearly Total Goal % to Date Increase number of HIV negative partners started on PrEP by 10% % increased 0% 10% Increase linkage to primary care for Testing Together clients by 20% 20% Increase linkage to primary care or re-engagement in care for RESPECT testing clients by 25% 25% Increase linkage to primary care or re-engagement in care for underserved YA RESPECT testing clients by 20% Increase number of high risk adolescents started on PrEP by 10% Outcomes taken from Scope. Respond to these in your report narrative Progress made by period

13 Drop-Off Material Tracking Sheet

14 Thank you for all your hard work!

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