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Unified Development Code

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Presentation on theme: "Unified Development Code"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unified Development Code
Project Update Overview of Design Chapters October 22, 2019 Presented by: MOSAIC Planning and Development Services

2 Project Update

3 Meetings and Outreach To Date
Developer’s Forum Developer’s Forum #1: Project Overview (March 5) Town Hall Town Hall #1: Project Overview (April 30) Town Hall #2: Project Update (September 16) Steering Committee Meeting #1: Overview / Zoning Meeting #2: Zoning / Design Chapters (all 6) Meeting #3: Design Chapters/Procedures Meeting #4: Overlay Districts Meeting #5: Signage Meeting #6: General Project Oversight * Steering Committee meets the fourth Monday of each month * Review is typically by sub-committee, with 3 subcommittees of 3 people each

4 Meetings: October - December
Council Meetings October 22 Design Chapters (Chapters 4 – 8) November 26 Chapter 9: Signage December 10* Chapter 2: Development Procedures Steering Committee October 28 Signage November 18 Development Procedures December 16 Revisit Zoning + Overlay Districts

5 Project Update Chapter Drafted Staff Review SC Review Legal Review
Council and P&Z General Provisions Procedures Zoning Residential Design Nonresidential Design Subdivision Design Infrastructure Design Environmental Design Signage Buildings n/a Glossary Illustrations

6 Modifications to Current Content
Chapter Clean-Up Some Modification Significant Modification Replacement/ New Chapter 1. General Provisions 2. Procedures 3. Zoning 4. Residential Design 5. Nonresidential Design 6. Subdivision Design Conservation Subdivisions 7. Infrastructure Design Parkland Dedication 8. Environmental Design Watershed Protection, Tree Preservation 9. Signage 10. Building Codes A1. Glossary A2. Illustrations

7 The Design Chapters Residential Site Design Nonresidential Site Design
Subdivision Design Infrastructure Design Environmental Design October 22, 2019 Presented by: MOSAIC Planning and Development Services

8 Chapter 4: Residential Design

9 Ch 4: Residential Site Design
Chapter Organization 4.1 Generally 4.2 Buildings 4.3 Driveways and Parking Areas 4.4 Fences and Walls 4.5 Garages and Accessory Structures 4.6 Landscaping 4.7 Lighting 4.8 Screening 4.9 On-site Amenities

10 Ch 4: Residential Site Design
Priorities Organization of content + formatting Refinement of standards based on Steering Committee and Staff input Major Changes None Still Under Review Lighting standards (possible impacts of new state legislation) On-site residential amenities (possible changes to impervious cover) Standards for individual overlay districts are still to come…

11 Chapter 5: Nonresidential Design

12 Ch 5: Nonresidential Site Design
Chapter Organization 5.1 Generally 5.2 Access and On-site Circulation 5.3 Buildings 5.4 Fences and Walls 5.5 Landscaping 5.6 Lighting 5.7 Parking and Loading 5.8 Outdoor Storage and Display 5.9 Screening and Buffers

13 Ch 5: Nonresidential Site Design
Priorities Organization of content + formatting Refinement of standards based on Steering Committee and Staff input Major Changes None Still Under Review Nonresidential buildings (new state legislation: limited ability to regulate materials) Encroachment (awnings, canopies, etc.) Lighting standards (possible impacts of new state legislation) Standards for individual overlay districts still to come…

14 Chapter 6: Subdivision Design

15 Ch 6: Subdivision Design
Chapter Organization 6.1 Generally 6.2 Lots 6.3 Blocks 6.4 Survey Requirements 6.5 Perimeter Structures for Residential Subdivisions 6.6 Public and Community Facilities 6.7 Conservation Subdivisions

16 Ch 6: Subdivision Design
Priorities Organization of content + formatting Refinement of standards based on Steering Committee and Staff input Major Changes Addition of Conservation Subdivisions (Section 6.7, page 13) Still Under Review none

17 Chapter 7: Infrastructure Design

18 Ch 7: Infrastructure Design
Chapter Organization 7.1 Generally 7.2 Transportation Network and ROW Design 7.3 Street Specifications and Construction Standards 7.4 Intersection Design 7.5 Water and Sewer 7.6 Drainage 7.7 Reclaimed Water 7.8 Gas Distribution 7.9 Utility Extensions and Obligations 7.10 Parkland Dedication

19 Ch 7: Infrastructure Design
Priorities Organization of content + formatting Limited refinement of standards, based on Steering Committee and Staff input Major Changes Parkland Dedication (Section 7.10, page 59) Still Under Review Concurrent work done by departments/outside consultants: TIA, drainage Calculation of parkland dedication requirement and credits for environmental design

20 Chapter 8: Environmental Design

21 Ch 8: Environmental Design
Chapter Organization 8.1 Generally 8.2 Floodplain Management 8.3 Watershed Protection 8.4 Tree Preservation 8.5 Steep Slopes

22 Ch 8: Environmental Design
Priorities Organization of content + formatting Strengthen environmental preservation standards while still making development process more navigable Major Changes Watershed Protection (Low Impact Development, Riparian Buffers and Stormwater Management) Still Under Review Tree Preservation – strengthen and update existing language as much as possible before adoption Once Ch 8 finalized, go back to parkland dedication (7.10) to set credits and calculations

23 Additional Comments

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