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Turning to Crime Today’s learning objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "Turning to Crime Today’s learning objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turning to Crime Today’s learning objectives:
Explore the definition of a “criminal” Consider factors as to why people turn to crime Apply factors to real life case studies Discuss similarities and differences between criminals Some will be able to start to compare these factors linked to real life cases

2 Thoughts…. In groups…. Develop thought shower in relation to these questions: What makes a criminal? What is your schema of a criminal? Why might a person turn to crime?

3 Thoughts? Read the case of Sean Mercer….In pairs answer the questions at the bottom of the turning to crime handout

4 List all of the people you can think of who have been found guilty of crimes, past or present.

5 The key question is whether they have anything in common.
Go through your list – are there any common features?

6 Is it worth trying to find common characteristics of criminals?

7 Rank these factors as to how much they would affect a person who turns to crime:
Television Newspapers Films Parents Siblings Genes Peers Brain function Pets Social class Age Education Addictions Occupation Gender

8 Once you have ranked the factors compare yours with the person sitting next you.
Between you decide on the 3 most important factors

9 Now join up with another pair
Decide which 3 factors are the most important

10 Which of the factors are Nature and which are Nurture?

11 Key question Are some people born bad?
Look at your pictures of criminals >>> Famous Criminals.pptx What do you think?

12 Psychology is about explaining why people do the things they do.
Criminal psychology is about trying to explain why people commit crimes. BUT Different crimes have different motivations. This means it ain’t easy!!!

13 There are many different schools of thought in psychology.
These can be divided into the nature and nurture approaches. The ‘nature’ approach argues that criminals are different to the rest of the population (brain chemistry for example). The ‘nurture’ approach say that ANYONE CAN COMMIT CRIME BECAUSE THE CAUSE IS ENVIRONMENTAL OR SOCIAL (e.g.PRESSURE TO CONFORM)

14 Result  There are many different explanations as to why people commit crime.

15 Now complete the why? sheet
List as many reasons as you can

16 Homework task To increase your awareness of the differences in criminals and crimes: Research 2 of these criminals in more detail Britain's most evil murderers.docx

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