Signpost for Young Carers

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1 Signpost for Young Carers
Ask students if they have every heard of the term ‘young carer’ before and then ask some to give examples of their definition Jennifer Leigh

2 Signpost for Young Carers
Who are Young Carers? A young carer is someone under the age of 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol. As many as 2 pupils in every classroom could be a young carer! Definition of young carer highlight that 2 pupils per classroom could be a young carer and to ask them to think about how many young carers there are. Jennifer Leigh

3 Signpost for Young Carers
A Youtube video to show how young carers may be feeling, ask students to pay attention as you will be asking them some questions about the video next Jennifer Leigh

4 Signpost for Young Carers
True or False … Young carers may not know they are a young carer? Young carers may be bullied due to their caring role? Young carers shouldn’t ask for support or share their worries? True True Ask questions and for show of hands whether they think the statements are true or false False Jennifer Leigh

5 Signpost for Young Carers
From the video and any ideas you have yourself, how do you think a young carer might feel coming to school? Ask for suggestions Jennifer Leigh

6 Signpost for Young Carers
Lacking concentration Tired Worried about Bullying Feeling second best Angry Lacking confidence Isolated Some of the suggestions how young carers might feel. Feeling second best – if they are a sibling carer and the sibling understandably gets a lot of attention from the parents leaving them to feel second best Lack of concentration – unable to stop worrying about the person they are caring for at home, making it difficult to concentrate in school Nervous Aches and Pains Jennifer Leigh

7 Signpost for Young Carers
How as a School can we help Young Carers? Ask for suggestions Jennifer Leigh

8 Signpost for Young Carers
Raising awareness Peer Support – Friends, Well Being Leaders… Staff Support Understanding what life might be like at home for the Young Carer Regular meetings or drop-ins for YC Having a designated lead in School Having someone to talk to Some suggestions of how you can help in the school – can redesign this slide to the support you do offer in the school Jennifer Leigh

9 Signpost for Young Carers
Who to speak to? School Lead – Mr Woodcock Head of Year / Pastoral Manager Form Tutor/Teachers Learning Support Assistants Well-Being leaders School Counsellor School Nurse GP Family Signpost Young Carers Again can re design this slide to the support that is offered in the school Jennifer Leigh

10 Thank you for listening!
Jennifer Leigh

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