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Science: plants Year 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Science: plants Year 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science: plants Year 2

2 What trees have we seen on our trail?
horse chestnut yew beech

3 What wild plants have we seen on our trail?
Indian Balsam ivy nettles brambles ferns

4 Evergreen and Deciduous trees
Can you remember the difference?! Evergreen trees have leaves all year round. Deciduous trees grow their leaves in spring and lose them in autumn. Which tree did you see which is an evergreen? 

5 Let’s label the parts of a flower together…
leaves petals stem roots

6 Let’s label the parts of a tree together…
branches leaves roots trunk

7 Habitats What animals and plants might we find in these habitats?
ocean desert rainforest

8 Habitats What animals and plants did you spot in Mother Shipton’s Cave woodland habitat?!

9 What do plants need to grow?

10 Plants need water to help them grow.

11 Green plants need sunlight so that they can make their own food.

12 Plants need the good food found in soil for healthy growth.
nutrients Plants need the good food found in soil for healthy growth.

13 warmth The sun gives warmth as well as light. Plants grow best in the right conditions.

14 Task Complete the sheet...

15 Can you help the plant to grow?

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