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30 / 10 Monday Kaupapa: Describe the functions of the leaves in plants and why they are very important.

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Presentation on theme: "30 / 10 Monday Kaupapa: Describe the functions of the leaves in plants and why they are very important."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 / Monday Kaupapa: Describe the functions of the leaves in plants and why they are very important

2 Do you remember? Plants can make their own food by doing this.
What is the equation? What is the name and function of this part of the plant cell? What is respiration?

3 Animal Cells

4 Animal Cell Nucleus Cell membrane Cytoplasm

5 Plant Cells

6 Plant Cell Nucleus Chloroplast Cell wall Cytoplasm Vacuole

7 Parts of a plant Leaf Stem Root

8 Question: Why do plants need leaves?

9 Questions: What are the four things needed for photosynthesis?
What features of leaves make them suitable for photosynthesis?


11 Leaves Produce food by ___________.
Broad and flat to get lots of _________. Contain _________ which is needed for _________ and makes them look green. Have veins which carry ______ to the leaves and take away ______ from them. Have very small holes called ________ in the underside, so gases like _______ and __________ can enter and exit the leaves.

12 Pop Quiz: Why do leaves change colour in autumn?


14 Pop Quiz: Which plant has the stem doing most of photosynthesis instead of the leaves?


16 Practical – Observing Stomata

17 What have we learned today?
Why do plants need leaves? Why are leaves green? Why are leaves broad and flat?

18 Inside a leaf

19 How are leaves adapted? Leaves are small ‘factories’ that produce food for plants by doing photosynthesis. Plants need carbon dioxide, water, sunlight and chlorophyll to carry out this important process. What features of leaves make them suitable for photosynthesis?

20 How are leaves adapted? The features of leaf that make it suitable for photosynthesis are: A leaf is broad and flat to capture lots of sunlight. carry water to the leaf and take food from the leaf to the rest of the plant. Veins also help to support the leaf. Certain plant cells contain chloroplasts with chlorophyll. Small holes called stomata in the underside of a leaf allow gases in and out. Veins

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