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Numeracy and Maths at the Early Stage

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Presentation on theme: "Numeracy and Maths at the Early Stage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Numeracy and Maths at the Early Stage
Parent Meeting

2 Overview Looking at the mathematical skills and concepts the children are developing at this stage. Looking at the learning activities and experiences that develop understanding and skills. Looking at how parents can support learning in numeracy and maths.

3 Counting Learning the sequence of number words
Counting skills – using the sequence of number words to do this Learning the order of numbers One-to-one correspondence – matching the number words to the items to be counted – touch and count each item only once Learning that the last number in a count tells us how many there are Learning the language of quantities – lots, more, less, fewer, about the same number

4 How to Support Counting Skills
Nursery rhymes and stories Number songs Going up and down the stairs Setting the table Shopping Buttons, bricks, toys, anything Say one number for each thing Count things in pictures Count sounds and physical movements Count out a given quantity

5 Learning About Numbers
Look for numbers – at home, houses, buses, cars, telephone, in shops Learn the order of numbers – forwards and backwards, what number comes next Match a written number to a number of objects Make marks to show a number – e.g. the score in a game

6 Measurement e.g. length, weight, capacity
Being able to measure is a life skill, used in many contexts throughout life As they progress through school, children will learn about measures, units of measure and measuring tools. They will use numbers to estimate, make measurements and solve problems. At the early stage the children are learning to use the language of measure.

7 Key Concepts for Measure
Use descriptive language (big, little, short, thin, wide, tall, heavy, light) Using comparative language (longer, shorter, heavier, more full, thicker) Making ordered arrangements (longest, shortest, tallest, widest, heaviest)

8 Time Understand the concept of time passing – now, the past, the future – and recalling events in order Talk about familiar times such as bedtime, breakfast, dinner time Talk about what comes first, next and last Talk about yesterday, today and tomorrow Talk about special clock and calendar times

9 Shape Using language to describe and classify shapes
Play with wooden or plastic shapes ‘Junk’ modelling Use words like round, straight, flat, pointed, corners Shape matching games Posting boxes Learn the names of shapes Look for shapes at home, on buildings, all around

10 Maths Through Stories COLOUR – What colour is the bear? The chair?
SORTING – Which bear has the big chair? ORDERING – big/middle sized/small COMPARISONS – porridge hot/cold, chairs high/low, beds hard/soft PREDICTING – What do you think baby bear will say about his chair? COUNTING – How many bears? Beds? Bowls? SHARING – Mother bear shares out the porridge MATCHING – Bears to bowls, bowls to table

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