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from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .

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Presentation on theme: "from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- ."— Presentation transcript:

1 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Un Re Dis In Mis De Pre En Sub Inter Trans Super Semi Anti Mid Con Mal Bi Co Spec Tele Tract Bio Dict Geo Micro Phon Photo Port Rupt Scop Struct Graph auto

2 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Un (not) Unfair unseen unknown   What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

3 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Re (again) retrace reusable reappear    What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

4 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Dis (apart, lack of) Disengage Disconnect Disorganise What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

5 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
In (not) Inexpensive Inoffensive Inaction    What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

6 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Mis (wrong) misprint misunderstandmisbehave    What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

7 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
De (opposite) decide deduce detect    What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

8 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Pre (before) Prepare Preface prequel   What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

9 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
En (within or in) enrapture enthuse engage   What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

10 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Sub (under or below) subject subtract subordinate      What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

11 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Inter (between, among) intermission internet interject       What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

12 transmit transplant transcontinental Trans (across, through, change)
from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- . Trans (across, through, change) transmit transplant transcontinental   What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

13 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Super (above) supersede superlative superhero   What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

14 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Semi (half, partly) semiconscious semicircle semiprecious     What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

15 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Anti (against) Antibody antibiotic antisocial      What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

16 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Mid (middle) midlife midsummer midterm       What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

17 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Con (with) Connect conclude consensus         What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

18 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Mal (bad) malfunction malpractice malcontent         What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

19 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Bi (twice) Bifocal Bilingual Binary           What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

20 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Co (together) coproduce cohabitate cooperate          What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

21 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Spec (to look at) Spectator Speculate Spectacle          What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

22 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Tele (far) Telescope Television Telephone         What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

23 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Tract (pull or draw) Subtract Detract Attract          What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

24 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
De (down, down from, off) Decline Denial Deduce         What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

25 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Bio (life) Biology Biosphere biography        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

26 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Dict (to speak or say) Predict Contradict dictate        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

27 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Geo (Earth) Geography Geology geothermal        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

28 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Micro/mini (small) Microscope Minority Miniature        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

29 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Phon (sound) Microphone cacophony telephone       What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

30 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Photo (light) Photography Photon Photosensitivity        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

31 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Port (to carry) Portable Portfolio transport       What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

32 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Rupt (to break) Rupture Eruption Interruption        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

33 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Scop (to see or watch) Telescope Horoscope Microscopic        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

34 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Struct (to build) Construct Instructor Indestructible        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

35 Graph/gram(to write or draw)
from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- . Graph/gram(to write or draw) Graphic Graph Grammar        What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

36 from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a- .
Auto (self, own) Automobile Autograph Autobiography       What other words can you think of that use this morpheme?

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