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Communicating Bad News

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1 Communicating Bad News
The experience of the First-Nation People of this land, now called North America, has not been a good one when it comes to Government-to-Government Relations. We are at the crossroads of a crisis over treaty rights and sovereignty. There are jurisdictional problems involved in arresting the murderers of Tammy Mahoney. See case details on link to Investigations. For the story on Ron Jones, see website Click on Dedication link. There is also a story under Karen Jones in News Link. There are other women who have disappeared, and may be the victims of these killers. In 1979, a decomposed body was found on the Onondaga Nation. The body was found inside a rug on the side of a road and was identified as female. Investigators at the time said she had been there since about She was naked. They listed the cause of death as due to exposure and the case was closed. A local church named St. Andrew held a mass and named her Eva St. Andrew. They buried her in potter’s field at Saint Mary’s cemetery.

2 However she may be a person named Melodie Ann Rowe, missing since August of 1972 from the west side of Syracuse, New York. She had gone to the store and never returned. If this is her in potters field, a DNA test from the remains and a family member of Melodie could possibly say for sure if It is her or not. If the rug is still in the evidence room, DNA could tell you a lot about the killers. Then we have Christine Marie Markey, who was last seen in Oneida, New York on January 10, She got into an altercation with another individual at a bar in the vicinity of Phelps Street that day. Markey was last seen wearing black jeans, a black leather coat with fringe on the bottom, a small pearl ring on her left middle finger , a gold chain necklace with a pear and diamond on it, and a sixteen-inch gold bracelet. She carried a leather pocketbook. Markey has never been heard from again. She never picked up her last paychecks from either of her two jobs. Her case remains unsolved. (Read the poster on and link on to Investigation).

3 There is also the case of the Bishop at Onondaga Nation named Reverend Oehley, who had been sexually abusing many of the young boys from the nation. Reverend Oehley ended up murdered on July 10th, Christopher Edwards has been in jail for the murder for 23 years and, to this day, he says he did not do it. Christopher Edwards maintains it was Andy Deer and, in his summation, Edwards’ attorney also tells the court it was Andy Deer who came forward, with his lawyer, Joseph Heath, who contacted the Sheriff’s Department; that they had some information that they wished to give to the police, but first they wanted to make a trade. They wanted to strike a bargain. They wanted to ensure that Andy Deer would not be prosecuted for, in his words, “anything that he had done wrong”, and the bargain was struck. He came forward with a story that implicated Chris Edwards who was found guilty based on that story.

4 (Read the Summation of Christopher Edwards and, in it, James A
(Read the Summation of Christopher Edwards and, in it, James A. Meggesto, attorney for Edwards, asks the question as to who really did the killing.) However, anyone who may have had anything to do with Bishop Oehley during that time period may suffer from a mental illness caused by sexual abuse. How much damage was done to the nation’s young people? Did some of the boys go on and murder others? In time, we will know because people are talking to each other and to the law.

5 Residential Schools There were also the victims from the Residential Schools that became mentally ill, as a result of being sexually abused. For a personal account of one of the boys who was abused in a residential school, read the Bill Foote story on dedication link then click on the picture of Bill Foote. You can write to: Christopher D Edwards DIN#81-C0150 Clinton Correctional Facility P.O. Box 2000 Dannemora, New York 12929 Christopher will write you back.

6 Our Situation Tammy Mahoney’s and possibly Ron Jones’ murderers will be arrested. The FBI will make an arrest soon. I believe statements have been given. However, it is the F.B.I. who will make the call as to when and where an arrest will be made. The racists in the community, I believe, will use the opportunity of these arrests to vent their anti-Indian sentiments. Jurisdictional authority will be a problem. Questions will be asked about leaders of the Indian Nation. Are the Indian Nations really sovereign? How sovereign? What does the Treaty say about this kind of situation? Who are the real victims?

7 How Did This Happen? There are many Native people who know the murderers and these people are talking. Authorities said that dozens of witnesses were inside the trailer at the time of theTammy Mahoney homicide. Investigators announced that they identified several male suspects in Mahoney’s presumed murder in the spring of The men’s names have not been publicly released. However, it is a small community and people are talking. The suspects are members of the Oneida Indian Nation. Mohawks and Onondagas are involved. Original assumptions that there is no longer any remains are false. Recent statements given may lead investigators to the Tammy Mahoney remains. Investigations into other murders will be ongoing. To what extent will the Native Nations cooperate with investigators? Who really murdered the Bishop at the Onondaga Nation and who else was there? Physical and sexual abuse has its roots introduced into the community during the residential school experience. These individuals may have brought the behavior home with them. A skull is found on the Onondaga Nation and appears tobe a black woman. Who?

8 Alternatives Considered
Present alternative courses of action by discussing pros/cons of each of the following: Developing a Native Institute of study Internet website Dialogue on subjects that affect all. Judicial Authority How about Land Claims No Destiny Mall No Tax on Indian land Threats to Sovereignty Describe contemporary conflicts among and within the differing nations

9 Recommendation or Decision
State the recommended course of action or decision to bring understanding to the educated community leaders of C.N.Y. about the issues and challenges facing Native People today. Discuss how the recommendations address the problem. We will do a landmark study that will cover the many facets of Native Culture, including religion, customs, rituals, mythology, education, outlooks, social taboos, social structure, familial relations, governing practices, economic conditions, and means of livelihood. Discuss how the plan will address hardships resulting from the actions. American oppression and how the First Nation People have resiliency in contemporary times will be explored. We will examine the legal and protocol elements of these international engagements and their affects on us today. What are the key social problems and conflicts between and within nations? We will look at what were the issues of past generations and what the contemporary issues are and what the effect is on the seventh generation. We will investigate the issues of recognition of sovereignty, taxation, land claims, international civil rights, health, and quality of life issues. We will have a discussion on the effects Canadian and United States governments have had on the First Nation People and other issues. Finally, we will look at programs that work at building relationships with First Nation People, as they are included in social agencies, schools, hospitals, and other institutions.

10 Our Vision for the Future
Reaffirm our goals Set expectations for future Set a time for expected results Obtain knowledge of First Nations Peoples families, gender roles, community structures, and governing practices and how they contribute to contemporary understanding of culture. What are the human diversity variables within the differing nations as it relates to such factors as age, gender, sexual orientation, level of formal education, income, religion, urban/rural background, and physical capacity. We will analyze specific strategies that educators and other human service professionals can use to demonstrate respect for, interest in, and sensitivity toward First Nation People. We will learn to contrast and compare the beauty of diverse Native beliefs, rituals, celebrations and religious practices with those that characterize others.

11 Summary What are some key points to remember that will give confidence or improve morale in the community during these trying times? The seminar/workshops on this website are designed to give a First Nation Peoples Perspective. Cultural development will be examined through the context of societal issues and with a special emphasis on culture, traditions, human relations, social problems, and societal oppression. Differing social, philosophical and historical foundations of the First Nation Peoples’ perspective will be compared with other groups of people. There will be discussion and debate of both traditional and non-traditional points of view. Discussions on historical and contemporary issues. Both participants and presenters will experience a variety of educational techniques, demonstrations of arts, crafts, field trips, videos, guest speakers, readings and other cultural experiences.

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