Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Warfare

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Presentation on theme: "Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Warfare"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Warfare
Community Overview Brief Officer giving the brief should give a short biography to include billets held and unit locations. Prepared by: CDR Nick Quihuis Oct 2019

2 Community Overview Our Founder/The Beginning: EOD Leadership:
RADM Draper Kauffman EOD Leadership: RDML Brian Brakke; Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (COMNECC) Smallest Unrestricted Line (URL) Officer Community: ~470 Officers (2% of URL) ~1,300 Enlisted DRAPER KAUFFMAN FOUNDER OF EOD: USNA 1933 not commissioned because of eyesight Joined the American Volunteer Ambulance Corps in captured by Germans for 2 months and later released Joined British Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve (commissioned as a sub-Lt) and served as a bomb and mine disposal officer at the height of the Blitz on London; gained recognition for his high degree of proficiency in bomb disposal techniques. Securing a U.S. Naval Reserve commission a month before Pearl Harbor, Kauffman was rushed to Hawaii after the Japanese attack, and there disarmed an enemy bomb, the first to be recovered intact for study. For this action, the Navy awarded him his first Navy Cross. In January 1942, he was assigned the task of organizing a U.S. Naval Bomb Disposal School at the Washington Navy Yard. This school is the forefather to the Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal School (NAVSCOLEOD) at Eglin Air Force Base, FL, which is run by the Navy and trains all services EOD technicians. Navy EOD is the smallest URL. Approximately 1,800 total force wide. As an officer, you will lead the finest enlisted service members in the fleet. Some of your enlisted have Bachelors, even Masters Degrees…

3 Who We Are… Navy EOD is the DoD’s Maritime EOD Component and the World’s PREMIER EOD force. Specific Skill Sets include: Expeditionary Mine Countermeasures (ExMCM) Diving & Salvage Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Support to Special Forces (SOF) – Navy & Army Conventional EOD Operations Weapons Technical Intelligence (WTI) Theater Security Cooperation What Makes Navy EOD Different The only EOD Force that conducts ExMCM: Find, fix, finish and exploit U/W ordnance Globally deployed Force of choice to enable combat operations Operate in all combat environments Specialized Mobility & Insertion/Extraction Skills Our Navy EOD Ethos Navy is the Premier EOD Force. No other service component or nation comes close to replicating the skill sets that our officers are trained to. We are the DoD’s Maritime EOD Component and the only DoD EOD Force that is trained in Underwater Mine Countermeasure (UMCM) Operations to include underwater explosive hazards. Core competencies included: Expeditionary Mine Countermeasures (ExMCM) Diving & Salvage Operations Conventional EOD Operations Demolition Operations/Range Clearance/Render Safe Procedures (RSPs) Flight Deck Response (NATOPS) Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Disposal Military Ordnance Test & Evaluation (NAVAIR & NAVSEA) Counter-IED (CIED) Operations Overseas & CONUS Regional Response Support to NAVSOF & ARSOF (Impedance to Assault & Tier II Capabilities) Counter WMD/Counter Proliferation (CP) (Operational & Staff Planning) Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) Engagements Explosive & Foreign Ordnance Exploitation/Weapons Technical Intelligence (WTI) Mobility (We can get to the problem): Jump (Static & MFF), Dive, & Small Boats Operational Expertise

4 Where Our Units Are Located…
COMEODGRU ONE COMEODGRU TWO ROTA, SP EODMU 8 HAWAII MDSU 1 GUAM EODMU 5 Although the majority of our EOD Units are located CONUS, we have 3 OCONUS units (MDSU ONE (Hawaii); EODMU 8 (Rota, SP), and EODMU 5 (Guam)). We deployed all over the world with current operations in South America, Africa, Iraq, and others . We have a variety of staff billets located overseas as well. You will be busy and travel often during your first 4 years… LITTLE CREEK, VA EODGRU TWO EODMU 2 EODMU 6 EODMU 12 MDSU 2 EODTEU 2 EODESU 2 NSWDG SAN DIEGO, CA EODGRU ONE EODMU 1 EODMU 3 EODMU 11 EODTEU 1 EODESU 1 Multiple Oversea Tour Opportunities ACTIVE CONUS ACTIVE O-CONUS

5 Training / Mobility Skills The Fun Stuff…

6 Joint Diving Officer (JDO)
SCUBA SURFACE SUPPLIED ~ 6 months of intense training SCUBA Surface Supplied Diving Recompression Chamber Operations MK-16 UBA Located in Panama City Beach, FL - Officers will learn SCUBA, Surface Supplied, Recompression Chamber Operations, and the MK-16 Closed Circuit underwater breathing apparatus. Officers will graduate with a basic understanding of Navy Diving and Salvage Operations. MK-16 UBA

7 Navy EOD School ~ 1 year Demolition Training Ordnance ID and RSP
Chemical / Biological Weapons IEDs Nuclear Weapons Underwater Ordnance Our longest school located at Eglin AFB, FL – Navy EOD School graduates learn the basics Demolition Operations, EOD Tools & Methods, Chemical and Biological Warfare, Ground and Air Ordnance, Underwater Ordnance, IEDs, Nuclear Ordnance and Navy students finish in the Underwater Operations and Diving Division. This schools gives officers the foundation to build on throughout their career.

8 Follow-on & Advanced Schooling
Static Line / Basic Airborne Advanced IEDs HRST/CAST Adv UUV/Underwater Robotics Military Freefall (MFF) Weapons Technical Intelligence Shooting Pipeline Training finishes with Expeditionary Combat Skills in Gulfport, MS, Static Line Jump School (Ft Benning, GA) and the EOD Tactical Training at EODTEU ONE in San Diego, CA. Once reported to their unit, Officers will receive more advanced training in: IEDs Shooting HRST/CAST Operations Military Freefall Operations Underwater Robotics/UUVs/Side Scan Sonar Operations Weapons Technical Intelligence Mine Warfare Planning Special Forces Interoperability Explosive Breaching etc.

9 First Sea Tour Employment
Expectations: Effectively lead your platoon Qualify on Time (SCUBA Supervisor, Demolition Operations Supervisor, EOD Warfare, and EOD Department Head) EOD Officers have immediate responsibility & authority with small unit leadership & tactical decision-making upon their first operational Sea Tour assignment!

10 Type of Operational Employment
EOD Officers lead their platoon in operations all over the world to include hostile environments like Afghanistan and Iraq. Variety of Mission Sets & Unique Employment Opportunities

11 EOD Officer Career Path
YCS 2 4 6 8 PAY GRADE Dept Head 24 Months Plt Cdr 1st Tour - 24 Months Shore Tour Months Plt Cdr / Co Cdr 2nd Tour - 24 Months Initial Training 20+ Months ENS LTJG LT O4 SB EOD Officer DEPT HEAD TOUR MOB/MCM PLT CDR ExMCM CoCdr MDS Co CDR NAVSOF/SOF Plt Cdr Shore Det OIC NPS/JPME I EXU Platoon NSWDG Shore Staff EODMU/MDSU Ops NSWDG CTF Joint Command Joint Diving Officer (188 days) EOD School (320 Days) Jump ECS TACT JOC 7 days 23 days 27 days 21 days 12 days 6 months 12 months 18 months PLC Jump – Basic Airborne ECS – Expeditionary Combat Skills TACT – EOD Tactical Training PLC – EOD Platoon Leader Course JOC – Junior Officer Course EOD Officer Initial Training Pipeline Sea Tour Shore Tour

12 EOD Officer Career Path Executive Officer Tour
10 12 14 16 18 YCS PAY GRADE O4 SB LCDR ACQN Lvl 1 O5 SB CDR ACQN Lvl 2 XO Board CO Board (1ST) Staff Tour 24 Months Executive Officer Tour 24 Months Post XO Tour 30 Months CDR Command 24 Months Post CO Tour TOUR EODMU/MDSU OPS SMWDC EODGRU CEODD Junior War College JSOC EODMU/ESU MDSU NDSTC NAVSCOLEOD NSWDG NEDU EXU-1 OPNAV JCS COCOM # Fleet Staff OCM / Detailer JSOC/TSOC War College EODMU MDSU NDSTC EOD TEU NSWDG EXU-1 20 22 24 26 28 30 YCS PAY GRADE ACQN Lvl 3 CDR O6 SB CAPT MAJ CMD BOARD (1ST) Post CO Tour 36 Months Major Command Tour 24 Months Post Major Tour 36 Months TOUR Navy / Joint Staff EOD MAJCOM CSO COCOM Staff NDU/ICAF/Sr War College/JPME II EODGRU CTF 56/68/75 MCMRON CEODD NSWC IHEODTECHDIV Navy / Joint Staff / OSD COCOM NECC/NECC PAC (COS/MOC-D/CAG) Sea Tour Shore Tour

13 Who Are We Recruiting? Candidates need to be:
Able to lead small units of action Critical thinkers Selfless, Mission Oriented Professionals Physically Fit Well Rounded Selection is based on the whole person Open to both Men & Women Median FY17 and FY18 PST Scores Swim: 8:30 Push-Ups: 102 Sit-Ups: 93 Pull-Ups: 20 Run: 9:18 FY19 Selection Breakdown: USNA; (15); NROTC (10); SSMP (2); OCS (4); STA-21 (1) Typically - -EOD accesses Officers per Year

14 How to Apply… Talk to your Naval Science Instructor
If you are STA-21 Core or Applying to OCS – Contact the EOD OCM Take the PST – Maximum Effort! Complete a high risk medical screening Apply for the EOD Summer Cruise (rising seniors) via NSTC Excel in Summer Cruise Accession Board is held in September – you will be interviewed again Candidates will be notified of selection results in October Accession information is also located on the EOD OCM’s website. NOTE – EOD First Class Summer Cruise is not a prerequisite. If you cannot attend EOD First Class Summer Cruise you need to contact the EOD OCM for other evaluation opportunities.

15 EOD Officer Community Manager Email: Nicholas.r.Quihuis@navy.mil
Questions EOD Officer Community Manager CDR Nick Quihuis

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