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WISEds & Proposed implementation plan

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1 WISEds & Proposed implementation plan
WISE workshop November 12th, 2008

2 Introduction - context
WISE implementation plan 2010 WISE as a distributed system Automated data transfer ... INSPIRE Roadmap up to 2019 SEIS Building blocks WISE, INSPIRE

3 Distributed system Benefits Drawbacks Distributed workload
Distributed responsibilities Re-use of data and software components data management at the level where it is created Drawbacks Management/coordination Large number of critical components that can fale Complex data aggregation

4 WISEds: fundamentals Multiple dataflows IN/OUT
Obligatory reporting: WFD, BWD, UWWD, etc Voluntary reporting: SoE IN/OUT

5 WISEds: fundamentals flow types Supported Not supported
Frequency/mechanism Supported Type A, D Type A -> service oriented Type D -> reportnet Not supported Type B, C

6 WISEds: funadmentals Use case driven

7 WISEds: Architecture Level 1: business

8 WISEds: Architecture Level 2: logical components

9 WISEds Architecture Level 3: Technical

10 Overview implementation
Step by step approach Participatory approach MS/EU/others Attention thematic/technical 4 phases Phase P: pilot phase -> 05/2009 Phase I: Priority I data flows -> 2011 Phase II: Priority II data flows -> 2013 Phase III: priority III data flows -> 2018

11 Phase P Pilot Type A art 8 data WISE data model WISE web services
Includes candidate MS WISE data model Exercise to draft data entities -> logical and physical data model Identify overlaps between directives/reporting requirements WISE web services Beta of WMS service for art3, art8 data Beta of WFS service for art3, art8 data

12 Phase I Define PI data flows Directives PI WISE services PI
Differentiate reporting elements to type A, D Define WISE data model Setup QA/QC rules Implement flow A directives P1 Modify REPORTNET to use WISE QA/QC engine WISE services PI WMS based on WISE GIS reference datasets e.g. large rivers, lakes… (WFD art3 & 5 data) WFS based on WISE GIS reference datasets e.g. data large rivers, lakes…

13 Phase II Data flows PI Define PII data flows Data flows PII
Report via predefined data flow Define PII data flows Data flows PII See actions PI Phase I WISE services PII Specific services for WISE community Development components to facilitate integration WISE services

14 Phase III Data flows PI and PII Define PIII data flows Data flows PIII
Report via predefined data flow Define PIII data flows Data flows PIII See actions PI Phase I WISE services operational

15 Critical MS contributions (proposal)
Phase P: Request for candidates WISE test programme Report according current guidelines + new methods (on specific requests) Test services Evaluate A, D flow differentiation Evaluate QA/QC mechanism Evaluate services

16 Critical MS contributions (proposal)
Phase I, II & III To do: Decide on A, D flow differentiation QA/QC rules approval Evaluate/adapt reporting sheets & schemas Start reporting over flow A Benefits: Datasets available through WFS, WMS Reduced work load through Reporting streamlining Quick feedback on data quality Automatic reporting/evaluation

17 Summary WISEds is ongoing 4 implementation phases
Implemented and operational by 2018 Member states Strong collaboration MS – EU required to define tools that work at both sites Agree on A, D reporting Reporting sheets and schemas Mutual benefits through easier data exchange

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