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A & P Visual PPT Quiz 10 The Eye and Ears.

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1 A & P Visual PPT Quiz 10 The Eye and Ears

2 Question 1: Structure E is transparent:
A. fovea B. conjunctiva C. sclera D. cornea E. iris

3 Question 2: This somewhat tinted #K:
A. aqueous humor B. optic humor C. vericose humor D. Vitreous humor E. veryclose humor

4 Question #3: The ability of the lens to adjust the eye’s shape to facilitate focusing is called: A. adaptation B. accompaniment C. refraction D. accommodation E. adjustability

5 Question #4: This lining in the posterior eye, anterior to the retina, joins with the sclera… A. optic disc B. suspensory ligament C. conjunctiva D. fovea E. Choroid coat

6 Question 5: Structure Letter I is:
A. a concave lens B. a convex lens C. a concave iris D. a convex iris E. a concave cornea

7 Question 6: Structure letter A is:
A. pinna = vestibule B. Pharynx = pinna C. Auditory flap = pinna D. pinna = auricle E. pinna = earicle A

8 Question 7: Structure B is:
A. the hearing center- eardrum B. the hearing center- cochlea C. the balance center- eardrum D. the semicircular canals for hearing D. none of them B

9 Question #8: The 3 bony ossicles are:
A. malleus = stirrup, incus = anvil, stapes = hammer B. incus = hammer, stapes =stirrup, malleus = anvil C. malleus = hammer, incus = anvil, stapes = stirrup D. Stapes = screwdriver, incus = anvil, malleus = stirrup E. none are matched correctly

10 Question 9: The ________connects the middle ear to the throat:
A. auditory or eustacian tube B. eustacian tube or vibrating tube C. oval tube or eustacian tube D. cochlear tube = auditory tube E. None are correct

11 Question 10: The outer ear includes this pressure sensitive organ:
A. cochlea = eardrum B. tympanic membrane = auditory membrane C. vestibule = semicircular canals D. eardrum = tympanic membrane E. eustachian tube = tympanic membrane

12 Bonus Trivia: The syndrome where humans have an XXY karyotype is called:

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