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Chapter Three Enter: The Monster!.

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1 Chapter Three Enter: The Monster!

2 Where did Victor wake up after his experiment?
-At Henry`s.

3 How many days was Victor there before he woke up?

4 Does Wakes up Experiment at Henry`s
Three days ??? Victor wants to go back home immediately because his experiment is very delicate and he should be there to observe it. Also, he doesn`t want anyone to find or know about his experiment.

5 -Being arrested and hanged.
What punishment did Victor Frankenstein fear from the Church or authorities? -Being arrested and hanged. So Victor can`t even tell Henry because he`s so afraid.

6 Values/ Ideas Be careful not to… Henry Clerval
Henry is a symbol of ethics and morals presented in the literature he studies. He can give Victor good advice about his situation. Henry Clerval Values/ Ideas

7 I can`t tell anyone. Not even Henry.
But Victor is unable to ask for help or talk about his situation because of his fear. Victor Frankenstein

8 So Henry is silenced. This is symbolic of ethics and morals being silenced for the sake of science. Henry Clerval

9 Does Experiment Returns home Three days Ten days Wakes up at Henry`s

10 “Let – go–of–me.”… [Victor] knew the command was useless even as he spoke. How could the creature understand words? Still he tried to yank himself away, shouting at the thing. The creature’s blank face bore no malevolence and yet it revolted him...What if it’s mind were as hideously disfigured as that repellent face…if, in fact, the thing had a mind. Look carefully at the way the creature (monster) is described by Mary Shelly.

11 [Victor] ran for the door.
Stooping, [Victor] snatched up a piece of broken glass and with all his might plunged its sharp edge into the creature`s forearm. The monster let out a howl of distress and released its grip just long enough for Victor to stagger back… Victor watched as his creation, moving with apparent difficulty, hauled itself upright. It was having to learn everything for the first time, Victor realized… [Victor] ran for the door. Look carefully at the way the creature (monster) is described by Mary Shelly.

12 words words First time: Stand up Walk
What age does this remind you of?

13 Babies share these qualities with the creature.

14 “Let – go–of–me.”… [Victor] knew the command was useless even as he spoke. How could the creature understand words? Still he tried to yank himself away, shouting at the thing. The creature’s blank face bore no malevolence and yet it revolted him...What if it’s mind were as hideously disfigured as that repellent face…if, in fact, the thing had a mind. And how does Victor react?

15 [Victor] ran for the door.
Stooping, [Victor] snatched up a piece of broken glass and with all his might plunged its sharp edge into the creature`s forearm. The monster let out a howl of distress and released its grip just long enough for Victor to stagger back… Victor watched as his creation, moving with apparent difficulty, hauled itself upright. It was having to learn everything for the first time, Victor realized… [Victor] ran for the door. And how does Victor react?

16 Big Theme: Personal Responsibility
Did Victor act in a responsible way? How are our reactions connected to responsibility? Everyone is responsible for how they react to situations (including Victor).

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