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Module 10Unit 2 I’m in New York now..

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Presentation on theme: "Module 10Unit 2 I’m in New York now.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 10Unit 2 I’m in New York now.

2 my pet pet Have you got a pet? What can it do? I have a pet.
It’s a dog. It can carry newspapers for me. (一)热身导入 Have you got a pet? What can it do?

3 Task 1 Listen and answer. What is Dongdong’s pet?
What language does it speak? (一)热身导入

4 (二)新知呈现

5 Simon and grandma met Daming at the airport yesterday.
Watch and answer. Who? What? Where? When? How? (三)课文学习 Simon and grandma met Daming at the airport yesterday. They were happy.

6 They saw lots of tall building.
look and say. How did they go home? What did they see? (三)课文学习 They went home by taxi. They saw lots of tall building.

7 Did Daming really want to eat Chinese food ?Why?
look and ask some questions. Who? What? Where? How? Can you ask more questions? (三)课文学习 Did Daming really want to eat Chinese food ?Why?

8 He wanted to try American food .
(三)课文学习 He wanted to try American food . He wanted to find out more about the US.

9 Task 1 Listen and repeat. (三)课文学习

10 Task 1 Listen and repeat. (三)课文学习

11 Group work -Answer the questions and ask more questions.
He is in New York. He arrived there yesterday. (四)拓展运用 Grandma and Simon met him. She made Chinese food.

12 Let's find out more about New York!

13 Play a game-What are you going to do in New york?
S1:I'm going to ... S2:S1 is going to ... S3: S1 is going to ...S2 is going to ...I'm going to ... (四)拓展运用

14 We are going to New York in summer holiday. We are going to see...
Group work- Make a plan and say. We are going to New York in summer holiday. We are going to see... We are going to eat... We are going to ... (四)拓展运用

15 To be a super speller: Try to read these words in four , and find out the rules. (四)拓展运用

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