Fig. 1 Distribution of deformation and aqueous alteration in MIL

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1 Fig. 1 Distribution of deformation and aqueous alteration in MIL 03346.
Distribution of deformation and aqueous alteration in MIL (A) Transmitted light image of the MIL thin section. The dominant augite phenocrysts impart the green color, whereas mesostasis is black. Areas where the mesostasis has been altered are red brown, and they correlate with the location of the deformed regions in (B). The black box indicates the area analyzed by EBSD in (B) to (D). (B) GROD angle EBSD map showing that deformation occurs in regions ~2 mm in size that are separated by 1- to 3-mm undeformed areas. Undeformed crystals are shown in blue, whereas increasing internal deformation is highlighted by a progression of green through yellow to red. (C) Band contrast EBSD map showing diminished band contrast [lower electron backscatter pattern (EBSP) quality] as darker regions that correlate with the deformed regions of (B). The blue polygons indicate the location of areas of altered mesostasis, which also correlate with deformed regions in (B). The red dashed line is the orientation of the foliation described by Daly et al. (4). The white box and labels indicate the sites where high-resolution backscattered electron (BSE) images and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) images were acquired for Fig. 5 (A to C). (D) Inverse pole figure map highlighting the distribution of twinned augite crystals. Mechanical twins, whose boundaries are shown as yellow lines, occur exclusively within the deformed areas of (B). Simple twin boundaries are shown as white lines and occur throughout the sample. See fig. S3 for a high-resolution version of this image. L. Daly et al. Sci Adv 2019;5:eaaw5549 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).

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