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By Juliana Newhall, Rabbit Studies PhD

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Presentation on theme: "By Juliana Newhall, Rabbit Studies PhD"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Juliana Newhall, Rabbit Studies PhD
Why I Disallow My Children to Determine The Sex Of A Rabbit (and so should you) By Juliana Newhall, Rabbit Studies PhD Seed: rabbit Generator: Title slide Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'rabbit', 'seed_wikihow_action_title': 'Determine The Sex Of A Rabbit', 'seed_title': 'Rabbit'} Generated Elements: ['Why I Disallow My Children to Determine The Sex Of A Rabbit (and so should you)', 'By Juliana Newhall, Rabbit Studies PhD']

2 What animals actually are:
Discussion Seed: animal Generator: Two Captions Weird Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'animal', 'seed_plural': 'animals'} Generated Elements: ('Discussion', 'How I see animals:', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/hmmm+hmm+wtf+wtfstockphotos+photoshopbattles+confusing_perspective+cursedimages+HybridAnimals+EyeBleach+natureismetal/j98pn7hsdr431.jpg', 'What animals actually are:', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/shitpostbot/animal-testing-597a505311abc.jpeg', True) How I see animals: What animals actually are:

3 Seed: feel pain Generator: Reddit Chart Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'feel pain'} Generated Elements: [None, '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/dataisbeautiful+funnycharts+charts/azgtpbwxigu01.jpg', True]

4 What about Rabbits? Seed: rabbit Generator: Wide Google Images
Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'rabbit', 'seed_is_noun_plural_title': 'Rabbits'} Generated Elements: ['What about Rabbits?', '/app/downloads/google_images/rabbit/ istock jpg', True]

5 Seed: long Generator: Reddit Chart Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'long'} Generated Elements: [None, '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/dataisbeautiful+funnycharts+charts/pmy7dhc png', True]

6 Seed: lank Generator: Reddit Chart Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'lank'} Generated Elements: [None, '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/dataisbeautiful+funnycharts+charts/i0ge3nk1gq031.png', True]

7 Let's look at Meagres Seed: meagre Generator: Wide Google Images
Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'meagre', 'seed_is_noun_plural_title': 'Meagres'} Generated Elements: ["Let's look at Meagres", '/app/downloads/google_images/meagre/fish-on-ice-300x169.jpg', True]

8 About Set Theories Seed: set theory Generator: Single Image Giphy
Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'set theory', 'seed_is_noun_plural_title': 'Set Theories'} Generated Elements: ['About Set Theories', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/giphy/set theory/xeFgup7aV99zq.gif', True]

9 About Rabbits Rabbit's Stereotype Rabbit's Reality Seed: rabbit
Generator: Two Captions Weird Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'rabbit', 'seed_title': 'Rabbit', 'seed_is_noun_plural_title': 'Rabbits'} Generated Elements: ('About Rabbits', "Rabbit's Stereotype", '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/gifs+gif+gifextra+nonononoYES/iuOyIly3.gif', "Rabbit's Reality", '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/giphy/rabbit/fHlLLgQVNa6BhQgiPq.gif', True) Rabbit's Stereotype Rabbit's Reality

10 Ending Points Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2 Seed: rabbit
Generator: Conclusion Context: {'topic': 'rabbit', 'presenter': 'Juliana Newhall', 'seed': 'rabbit'} Generated Elements: ['Ending Points', 'Conclusion 1', '/app/downloads/google_images/rabbit/ istock jpg', 'Conclusion 2', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/hmmm+hmm+wtf+wtfstockphotos+photoshopbattles+confusing_perspective+cursedimages+HybridAnimals+EyeBleach+natureismetal/ejz1g1b1fu631.jpg', True] Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2

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