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An Introduction to Data Science using Python

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1 An Introduction to Data Science using Python
Ganesh Lohani Sr Data Analyst Lockheed Martin

2 What is happening? Massive amount of data
90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone Big Data (3 Vs):Volume Velocity Variety Data is Everywhere and in many formats: Structured Data Semi structured Data Unstructured Data Data has been considered as assets More opportunities to work on data platform Turn data into Information, Decision Making and Business Value

3 What is Data Science Data science is a field to extract insights/trends/ intelligence that supports the business leaders to make the better decision Data Science is also a process of validating assumption model hypothesis related to business activities Data science is a relatively new field and deeply rooted to Statistics and Decision Support System It is a Multidisciplinary field ( Domain Knowledge, Tools & technology, Mathematics & Statistics, Programmimg languages)

4 Data Science Methodology
Statement of the problem/Objective of the Study Data Preparation Feature selection Exploratory Data Analysis Model development Test the Model/Hypothesis Communicate the findings to the stakeholders Deployment ( data as a product) Feedback/Lesson Learned and Continuous improvement

5 Python For Data Science/Data Analysis
Python is a open source software used as Data Science tool It is user friendly The Code syntax is simple to read and follow. It supports functional, object oriented, and structural programming languages

6 Python For Data Science/Data Analysis
Python Basics: Variables and Data Types Data Frame ( holds the data, like table in SQL Server) Tuples ( initialized with small brackets, inmutables ) List ( collection of values, mutable), Dictionary ( key value pair) Operations ( comparison Mathematical and and Boolean) Function Methods, Conditional Statement ( If Else, While Loop, For Loop) Python Libraries NumPy (Numerical Computation) Pandas ( Data Analysis) Matplotlib ( Data Visualization) SciKit-Learn ( Machine learning Algorithms)

7 Machine Learning It is a technique to teach the computer that use data instead of explicitly writing the code. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deeply rooted to Statistics and Mathematics The output is never 100 accurate. Our goal is to optimize the algorithm/model Example: Weather Forecast: 50 % Chance of rain today

8 Common Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
Supervised Learning Classification ( Spam, No Spam) Regression ( Forecast the Car price, Share price over time) Decision Tree ( Will Rain Today? Yes, No) Unsupervised Learning Clustering ( Customer Segmentation: Gold, Silver, Bronge) Reinforcement Learning React to the environment ( Autonomous Car) Natural Language Processing Text Mining ( Twitter Data Analysis, Customer Survey Data )

9 Machine Learning Model Simple Regression
Demo Machine Learning Model Simple Regression

10 What Feedback do you have for me?
Question & Answer What Feedback do you have for me?

11 Useful Links

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