Introducing vertical transformations in ArcGIS

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1 Introducing vertical transformations in ArcGIS
Melita Kennedy Esri Corporate Template-Dark v3.3 16:9 version – January 21, 2016 For more templates, sample files, and icons, see To add footer text in Windows On the Home tab, under Insert, click Text, and then click Header and Footer. Click the Slide tab, select the Footer check box, and then type the footer text that you want. Click either Apply or Apply to All. To add footer text on a Mac On the View menu, select Header and Footer. Select the Footer check box and then type the footer text that you want. If footers don't appear on the slides If footers don't appear on title slides, in the Header and Footer dialog box make sure the Don't show on title slide check box is not selected. If the footers are missing from other slides, the placeholders for these items might have been removed from specific slide layouts or the slide master.

2 Objectives Vertical coordinate systems
ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data setup Horizontal-vertical transformations list

3 Vertical Coordinate System
Datum or Vertical Datum Linear Unit Vertical Shift Direction

4 Vertical CS details Datum Vertical Datum
ellipsoidal height/depth datum Vertical Datum gravity-related datum The reddish dashed line represents the ellipsoid surface while the green line is the geoid surface. A geoid closely represents mean seal level, if there was no topography. It’s affected by the ground composition, so it’s a lumpy, bumpy surface. It’s also a gravity-related surface. h = height relative to the ellipsoid surface H = elevation relative to the geoid surface N = geoid undulation or geoid height which models the difference between the ellipsoid and geoid surfaces. A geoid model is often a grid/raster of the undulation values. So, in a VCS, you can have either one that has heights/depths relative to an ellipsoid surface: a datum. Or related to the geoid or tidal level, some sort of gravity-related surface in which case the VCS will have a vertical datum.

5 Vertical CS details Direction Vertical Shift
axis direction is positive ”up” or “down” Vertical Shift extra parameter that could allow a built- in offset from the VCS definition

6 VCS well-known text WKID: EPSG:5703
VERTCS["NAVD_1988", VDATUM["North_American_Vertical_Datum_1988"], PARAMETER["Vertical_Shift",0.0], PARAMETER["Direction",1.0], UNIT["Meter",1.0]]

7 Vertical coordinate systems
285 as of CGVD 1928 NGVD29 Malin Head NAVD88 (m and USft) Dansk Normal Nul NN2000 HKPD / HKCD Trieste RH2000 NZVD2009 Constanta EVRF 2007 Moorea SAU 1981 Newlyn GHA NAP Ellipsoidal height-based AHD

8 Tidal Datums MSL MLLW LAT MLW Instantaneous water level LLWLT MHW LW

9 Vertical Transformation
Vertical Coordinate System - Source Geographic Coordinate System VT Method Vertical Coordinate System - Target Parameters

10 Well-known text WKID: Esri:110009
VERTTRAN["NGVD29_To_NAVD88_NAD27_ECW", GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1927",DATUM["D_North_American_1927",SPHEROID["Clarke_1 866", , ]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree", ]], VERTCS["NGVD_1929",VDATUM["National_Geodetic_Vertical_Datum_1929"],PARAMETER["Vertic al_Shift",0.0],PARAMETER["Direction",1.0],UNIT["Foot_US", ]], VERTCS["NAVD_1988",VDATUM["North_American_Vertical_Datum_1988"],PARAMETER["Vertical_ Shift",0.0],PARAMETER["Direction",1.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]], VTMETHOD["VERTCON"], PARAMETER["Dataset_vertconecw.94",0.0]]

11 Vertical transformation methods
Geoid models EGM2008 EGM84 and EGM96 GEOID12B VERTCON Vertical offset Vertical offset and slope

12 ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data
1.5 GB GEOCON v1.0 NAD 1983 HARN, NSRS2007, 2011 VERTCON GEOID12B EGM2008 1′ x 1′ and 2.5′ x 2.5′

13 Demonstration Working with Vertical Transformations

14 Future Work Create custom vertical tfm tool
Function to find horizontal/vertical tfms given 2 GCS/VCS Incorporate Vdatum Have functions to read data files already Add vertical transformations Ship > 5 GB data? Other geoid models Older US Canada/New Zealand/Australia/Japan Raster team is adding VCS support Will follow with transformation support

15 Please take our Survey Find your event in the Esri Events App
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16 Thank you!

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