Earth’s Interior.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Interior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Interior

2 A long time ago… What do you think Earth looked like 1,000,000 years ago? Same as today? Drastically different? Why?

3 Changing the Surface The surface of the Earth has undergone many changes as a result of Lifting Pushing Bending breaking

4 The answer lies inside the Earth.
Why? The answer lies inside the Earth.

5 Exploring Inside the Earth
Scientists have two types of evidence of Earth’s interior. 1. Rock Samples (direct evidence) Drill down in the Earth to get samples This tells us a little bit about the conditions deep within the Earth. Some rocks are blasted to Earth’s surface. How? Volcanoes!

6 Exploring inside the Earth
Have you ever knocked on a wall to find the wooden stud behind it to hang a picture? What are the differences in sound you hear when you get close to it? Farther away from it?

7 Exploring inside the Earth
Scientists experience something a little like that. Seismic Waves (indirect evidence) Scientists study how earthquake waves travel through the earth. The speed and path they take tell us about the inner structure. We know there are layers inside.

8 The layers of Earth We also know the layers are different from each other in the following ways: Size/thickness Composition Temperature* Pressure*

9 Temperature and Pressure
Temperature increases with depth in the Earth. Pressure also increases with depth inside the Earth due to all of the overlying rock layers (6,000km from surface to center). Imagine being on the bottom row of a human pyramid compared to being on the very top!

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