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Year 3 and 4 Parents’ Information

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1 Year 3 and 4 Parents’ Information
TC intro

2 Agenda: What goes on in Year 3 and 4? Maths English Science Topic
Homework expectations Reading Spelling Times Tables TC

3 What goes on? Most days straight to assembly after registration/early work Maths and English either side of break Break 10:45-11:05 Lunch 12:15-1:15 Topic – Geography, History, Art and Design and Technology, Computing Guided reading (small group reading with an adult) AR (Accelerated Reader) SPaG French P.E. (afternoons) – kits named Music R.E. (Religious Education) Circle time P.S.H.E (Personal, Social and Healthy Education), Values and Rights Each class has their own timetable but this is what our timetable is filled with. JS

4 10:45 – 11:05 eaten on playground Long time since breakfast
Snacks and Water 10:45 – 11:05 eaten on playground Long time since breakfast Fruit and vegetables only Named water bottles daily Mention they have a drink whilst eating their fruit, also after break, lunch and any other time they need one. Need for a BOTTLE because parents can monitor how much fluid, and easy to take out for P.E. etc. JS

5 Maths Interactive learning Appropriate challenge Arithmetic
Problem solving and Reasoning Sumdog and TT Rockstars – access at home too TT Rockstars show parents – talk about reasoning and problem solving X tables tests TC

6 English Topic based where possible
Focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) Handwriting must be cursive joined style – Year 4 have to earn their pen licence again Writing for extended periods of time Writing for a range of purposes and genres, e.g. letters, instructions, stories etc Editing and improving writing Guided reading AR continued JS – handwriting spellings prep for Yr6 SATS Yr 4 pen licence summer hols not writing

7 Science Rocks and Soils Fit for Life States of Matter Plants
Working Scientifically Questioning Planning a fair test Observations Comparisons Recording Using scientific language Tc year 4 year 3 different investigations – R&S – focus on erosion

8 Topic Three topics (one for each term)
History – Stones and Bones & Gift of the Nile Geography – River Deep, Mountain High Design and Technology - Cookery Art – sketching, sculpture Computing – E Safety, Coding, Word Processing TC – emphasise new learning

9 Homework Expectations
Reading Everyday for at least 15 minutes With an adult as often as can Record in reading record with what page read to. Spelling Look, say, cover, write, check Other practise too Statutory spelling list Spelling rules Times Tables Year 3 – 2,3,5,and 10 Year 4 – all tables to 12X JS

10 Pupil Premium What is it?
Is it the same as Universal Free School Meals? How does this help? What do I need to know? A sum of money received by school to support individual children- not same as UFSM (KS1 only) KS2 pay school dinners If you think you are entitled take a leaflet

11 Pupil Premium Contact – Central Beds Pupil Premium Meals Hotline The qualifying benefits to receive Pupil Premium Funding for all children (and free school meals in years Three and Four) are: Income Support Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit, and your annual gross income does not exceed £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit) Universal Credit (during the initial roll-out of this benefit) If you get one of these you may be entitled JS

12 Field Investigation - Stibbington Centre
Events Year 4 camp out – July 2020 Field Investigation - Stibbington Centre Spring Term TC

13 Thank you for coming. Any questions catch Ms Cassidy or Mrs Scott at the end.
TC intro

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