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Outline Neutrino History n Oscillations World Tour of n Experiments

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1 Outline Neutrino History n Oscillations World Tour of n Experiments
Solar n Atmospheric n Long-Baseline Accelerator n Nu opportunities Superbeams/ n factories

2 Testing Oscillations In the design of any neutrino oscillation experiment, you want to measure something (x) which will be different if oscillations exist; e.g. Nevent , R=NC/CC, Nkink In general, x = x(q,Dm2) often x~ x(Pn1n2)

3 What SNO tells us ftotal is not low
Super-K has measured nene, which is a mixture of NC&CC NC nienie , i=e,m,t have same cross section CC neenee only  they measure a mix of ne nmnt SNO measures primarily ned ppe (CC breakup) Together, one gets ftotal, fe ftotal is not low

4 nt interaction discovery
DONUT - Fermilab beam dump experiment published 2000 nt expected from Ds tnt decay 203 n events in photographic emulsion See 4 events, expect  1.4 Background from charm & hadrons 0.41  0.15

5 The truth about n’s What we want to know What we know: Dm223 better
Which solar solution? See oscillations See t’s see q13 or limit to 10-3 CP violation Matter effects Sign of Dm223 What we know: q23~45o; Dm223~ eV2 q12 & Dm223 SMA, LMA, LOW or just-so sin2q13 < 0.05

6 Definitions of “Long-Baseline”
How Long is Long? Definitions of “Long-Baseline” (my use is for accelerator based experiments) Webster - (long - measuring much, or more than usual, from end-to-end in space or time) Practical - Off site Useful (Beam) - The distance from the n source to the detector is much greater than the length of the decay pipe. Useful (Physics) - L >> En/Dm2

7 MINOS A neutrino beam from Illinois to Minnesota

8 Advertisement Free monthly neutrino rumor newsletter --~100 lines, send “subscribe” to or see Neutrino Oscillation Industry Web Page

9 Conclusion The n world is one in which there has been much recent progress (n mass; mixing). New insights are expected soon (KamLAND, Borexino, K2K, MINOS) Another round of experiments at “superbeams” and n factories will tell us more.

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