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Samma som framsida till Factual report

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1 Samma som framsida till Factual report
ROVANIEMI 9-10 April 2019

2 Conference Agenda Tuesday 9 April
13:00 Opening statement Ms. Veronika Sundström, CEO Region Norrbotten Chair of CEG Northern Health Across borders 13:30 Health care services in Finland Mr. Jukka Mattila, Medical Director Lapland Hospital district Mr. Juha Korpelainen, CEO Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital district Mr. Seppo Lehto, CEO Länsi-Pohja Hospital district 14:30 Coffee break 15:00 Health care services in Norway and in Sweden Mr. Lars Vorland, CEO Helse Nord RHF Ms. Veronika Sundström, CEO Region Norrbotten 15:45 Common challenges and opportunities Mr. Jari Jokela, CEO Lapland Hospital district 16:30 Group photo 19:00 Conference dinner

3 Conference Agenda Wednesday 10 April
08:30 Digitalisation across borders Mr. Anders Nordin, IT/MT-Director, Region Norrbotten 08:45 Digitalisation as both opportunity and challenge for healthcare - where are we heading in the world of health care? Patrik Sundström, Head of eHealth, The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions 09:45 Introduction and workshop 11:00 Panel discussion 11:45 Closing remarks Mr. Lars Vorland, CEO Helse Nord RHF 12:00 Lunch

4 Partnerings organisations.
For the past 10 years the northern health care organisations in Norway, Sweden and Finland have cooperated on a management level to transfer know-how, exchange experiences, solve obstacles and develop cross-border cooperation in different areas.


6 The most northern parts of the Nordic countries share many different features and challenges, also when it comes to health and healthcare. The most northern parts of the Nordic countries share many different features and challenges, also when it comes to health and healthcare. We can learn and help each other in many ways since we share a Nordic mindset and similar ways of organising our societies.

7 Challenges The need for medical care is increasing.
Demographic changes and an ageing population, particularly in rural areas. Difficulties with the provision of skills. Organisations are under constant pressure to streamline costs and efficiency. The regional level plays an increasingly important role.

8 Background 2008 Regular contacts between healthcare authorities in northern Norway, Sweden and Finland Two projects of significance for the collaboration were implemented: 1. Care without borders in the Tornio Valley (Swe, Fi). Focus: Care on distance and doctors on call. 2. Pre-hospital Emergency care (Swe, Fi, No). Focus: Ambulance care The health care systems share a number of challenges in maintaining and developing public financed health care due to demography and a sparse population in rural and border areas. Moreover, the population in these areas often have a cultural and linguistic community. Collaboration can create added value for patients and be beneficial to healthcare authorities. In 2008 regular contacts were established between regional healthcare authorities in the northernmost parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland. The aim was to facilitate cooperation on healthcare issues in a broader context. Several areas of cooperation were identified: crisis and disaster preparedness contact channels in situations involving high potential strain on the authorities cooperation in everyday medical care IT development and transfer of information. It became clear in that the health care authorities can benefit from more enhanced cooperation.

9 Background 2015 Agreement on long-term strategic cross-border cooperation Agreement on cross-border cooperation Pre-hospital emergency care, September 2015. 2016 A joint secretariat was established at Region Norrbotten Luleå Procedures for Pre-hospital Emergency Medical care Procedures for Emergency Call Centres and Administrative procedures. 2017 Workshop “A region without borders” In September 2015 the Chief Executives of Helse Nord RHF in Norway, Lapland medical district, Länsi-Pohjan medical district and Oulo hospital district in Finland, Region Norrbotten and Region Västerbotten in Sweden, signed an agreement to establish a joint structure for long-term strategic cross-border cooperation. The overall goal is to improve the health of the population and the quality of health and medical care particularly in rural and border areas. The special needs of Sami people and other national minorities shall be part of the planning whenever relevant. Agreement on cross-border cooperation Pre-hospital emergency care, September 2015. Procedures for Pre-hospital Emergency Medical care, Procedures for Emergency Call Centres and Administrative procedures, 2016. Strategic plan on cross-border collaboration in health care

10 On-going activities 2018-2019 Digitalisation/E-health
Pre-hospital emergency care Prevention and control of communicable diseases Legal barriers to cross-border cooperation 10-year Anniversary Conference IT/E-health. Collaboration between professional’s in order to share best practice and obstacles for the development of the digital transformation ahead. Compile report on participating regions/healthcare districts including General data Information and facts about organisation of health authorities and medical care, location of resources such as hospitals, primary care and ambulance services, staff, financing, regulation etc. 10-year Anniversary Conference, April 2019 Psychiatric care. Look into the needs and barriers for cooperation in dialogue with experts in the field. Identify obstacles and opportunities for enhanced cross-border cooperation. work in order to remove barriers to cooperation i.e. different national structures and legislation,

11 Collaboration and coordination with other multilateral organisations
European Union Legal barriers to cross border cooperation Patient mobility in EU Research/education Arctic Council + Joint Arctic Agenda Universities No/Swe/Fi Ministries, government bodies, authorities No/Swe/Fi BEAC* Joint working group on health and related Social issues Nordic cooperation Bilateral agreements * Barents Euro Artic Council

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