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M y P e r s o n a l I t y Student Sample.

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1 M y P e r s o n a l I t y Student Sample

2 How people interact with others:
How people see things: How people make decisions: How people go throughout their daily lives: Extroverted- Outgoing and not afraid to say what they’re thinking. They need other people to function. Introverted- Keep their thoughts and ideas to themselves and need time alone away from people. One out of three Americans are introverts. Sensor- Believe things they experience in person. They want facts and details. Intuitive- Believe things that are relative. They look at everything instead of specifics. Thinker- Do what is logical or what they think is right. About 2/3 of males are thinkers. Feeler- Decisions are based on what seems to work the best for everyone and makes them happy. About 2/3 of females are feelers. Judger- Organize and plan things. They want to make final decisions rather than to keep gathering information. Perceiver- Improvise, are creative, and make things fun or worthwhile. SOURCES

3 Introvert (50%) Sensing (6%) Feeling (6%) Judging (34%)
According to the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test: I AM ISFJ Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging -More introverted than extroverted, which means I keep to myself and I’m not really outgoing. I completely agree with that. -Slightly more sensing than intuitive, meaning I need to see it to believe it and I need facts and details. I thought I would be a lot more sensing than only 6%. -Slightly more feeling than thinking, meaning my decisions are based on people’s feelings and what works best for everyone. I also agree with that. -More judging than perceiving, which means I organize and plan things instead of just going with the flow. I really agree with that, but what kind of surprised me was that I got 34% judging and only 6% sensing and 6% feeling. I thought I would be a bit more sensing. Introvert (50%) Sensing (6%)  Feeling (6%) Judging (34%)

4 ISFJs are loyal, patient, and sympathetic, but can be overworked, taken for granted, taken advantage of, or be unappreciated. They have high quality work, good memories, and a few close friends. They keep things to themselves to not burden anyone and they hate confrontation. I agreed with about 90% of the ISFJ Type Description. ISFJ Type Description ISFJs often get jobs with lots of other human interaction and have potential in health care, social services, the arts, and customer service. I don’t really agree with these job options except for anything art related. ISFJ Career Choices ISFJs are friendly, supportive, practical, to the point, and will come to people’s aid. Their social circles mainly consist of only close friends and family. To successfully work, they need to have friends or like-minded people. They succeed at resolving practical immediate issues. They try to get agreement in conversations and are unhappy if disagreed with. ISFJ Communication Skills

5 Colors are seen differently to different people
Colors are seen differently to different people. Any color can be perceived as one thing to one person and a different thing to another. People’s preference of colors change on experience or past events. Adults and children see most colors differently because the colors can be related to something that happened to them in their lifetime. Younger children prefer colors associated to positive emotions while most adults stick to blue, red, and green. Colors can effect mood or emotions. The location of colors can have different effects on people. You may see reds and yellows in restaurants to encourage appetite or green in hospitals or living spaces to establish calm. Purple, green, and blue are calming colors, while red yellow and orange are creative colors. Color and object preference can be related, like if you don’t like black and you don’t like swimming, that could be interpreted as you are afraid of drowning. SOURCE I think this information is interesting and explains possibly why places or locations are painted/ colored the way they are. Also this is useful if you’re trying to understand the relationship between colors and experiences, and colors and emotions. COLORS

6 My COLOR QUIZ results http://colorquiz. com/results. php
A. My Existing Situation "Very emotional and artistic, enjoys being surrounded by beauty and art. Looking for a partner who always has an eye for beauty and who enjoys close, loving relationships." B. My Stress Sources "Feel empty and isolated from others and wishe to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer than what I have experienced thus far, and don't want to miss out on anything. C. My Restrained Characteristics Current events leave me feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation. “Feels hopeless to change problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has." "Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic, but needs reassurance from others. Has strict standards when looking for a partner and wants guarantees that she will not be disappointed or lose." "Although she feels isolated and alone, she is afraid of forming deep, meaningful relationships. Is conceited and is easily offended."

7 My COLOR QUIZ Results F. My Thoughts D. My Desired Objective
Live life to the fullest. Has a high energy level and is always on the go. she is very active and her actions often lead to success. E. My Actual Problem Afraid she will be held back from obtaining the things she wants leading her to act out with a hectic intensity. My Actual Problem #2 "Fights resistance or limitations, and insists she is free to develop in her own way Rewarded by accomplishing things on her own, with little to no help from others.“ F. My Thoughts I think this is pretty accurate and astonishing that it got this information from what colors I picked and then my preference of colors.

8 I was impressed by the assessments and the accuracy I got from them
I was impressed by the assessments and the accuracy I got from them. I think the assessments did well picturing my personality and let me visually read/ see what I’m like and what other people similar to me are like. This information also told me possible career paths, like health care, social services, the arts, and customer service. I can look into those, but the only one I’m genuinely interested in is art.

9 Lumosity Fit Test Brain Profile Overview Best LPI -- Current LPI -- Speed -- Memory – I took the test twice and the results still did not show. Attention Flexibility Problem Solving Lumosity Points (A measure of how much and how well you have trained) Best Brain Areas --Attention --Flexibility

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