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Applying Competency Mapping and Assessments to Build a Cyber Workforce Baseline

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2 Applying Competency Mapping and Assessments to Build a Cyber Workforce Baseline

3 Introductions Pamela McComas Sarah Krawlzik

4 Objectives for Today’s Session
Problem Statement Competency Mapping & Assessments Benefits of the Approach Building the Assessment Conclusion Questions & Answers

5 Problem Statement

On-going need for qualified cyber professionals Alignment to frameworks and certifications Need for technical aptitude and critical thinking Qualified = certified AND mission ready There is NOT one right answer…

7 Rationale Augment recruitment process Review resume
Discussion that some people don’t interview well, write resumes well, take assessments well….can help evaluator place them in the correct work role. Or can help you to move them on for additional interview or work role qualifications (jr/ sr, forensics but are really malware designer). What is a performance-based assessment? How is it different from traditional assessments? Critical thinking for when you don’t know an answer…use the internet to look up the answer Augment recruitment process Review resume Conduct pre-screen (phone interview) Evaluate through performance-based assessment Perform effective hiring process Determine work role alignment Evaluate Junior, Senior, SME qualifications

8 Competency Mapping & Assessments

9 Framework and certification Alignment to assessments
Increasing requirement to align to frameworks and certifications. Examples include: NICE NIST DoD 8140 Job Qualification Roles (JQR) Previously knowledge-based, moving towards demonstration of knowledge and understanding

10 Benefits of the Approach

11 Different people need a variety of evaluations
Evaluate multi-modal/ facets of the person Increased, holistic understanding of the person and their: skill set aptitude for different environments knowledge base approach to problem solving Mapping questions to competencies like NICE KSATs guides pathway for career mapping Different people need a variety of evaluations Result is a more holistic understanding of the person, their skill set, and their aptitude for different environments/ knowledge.

12 Building the Assessment

13 Selection of appropriate work role
Selection of framework down to work role Mapping evaluations and assessments to competencies like NICE Understand what outcome is being assessed Select framework/ certification NICE Select work role KSAT alignment T0035; T0125; T0126; T0180; T0335; T0491; K0011; K0109; S0041; S0079; S0084; S0154; S0158; A0052; A0172  

14 Creation of Evaluation Question
Sample Question Pamela to place question in this slide Mapping questions to competencies like NICE KSATs guides pathway for career mapping Select work role Select objective Identify network components, both hardware and software-based, to support organizational security Determine K level Develop question

15 Conclusion

16 Questions & Answers

17 Pamela McComas Sarah Krawlzik Contact information

18 UP NEXT 4:30 PM - CompTIA Partner Summit Networking
Thursday August, 8: 9 AM – Artificial Intelligence: Where we are Today and its Impact on Tech Support Roles

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