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Group Members and Period

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Presentation on theme: "Group Members and Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Members and Period
Title Page Group Members and Period

2 Define your alternative energy sources.
What is it? Define your alternative energy sources. Describe your energy source. Picture/Videos

3 How do we get energy from your source?
Description of how it works to provide us energy. What does your source look like? Video/Pictures

4 What are the positive aspects of your source?
Benefits? What are the positive aspects of your source? Tell us why this is so important to use. Video/ Pictures

5 What are some negative impacts this resources causes?
Negatives? What are some negative impacts this resources causes? Why isn’t it used more? Videos/ Pictures

6 How can we increase its usage?
Solution How can we increase its usage? How can we minimize the negative impact? Pictures/ Video

7 What does the future hold?
Where could technology take us? Pictures/ Video

8 Must use at least 3 different websites
Citation Page Keep a log of all websites you used during your presentation, and cite them here in bullet form Must use at least 3 different websites

9 water energy biomass energy green vehicles methane capture and use energy-efficient buildings geothermal energy carbon capture and underground storage nuclear energy

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