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Sea otter Communication Migration Sirenians/ Polar bear Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Sea otter Communication Migration Sirenians/ Polar bear Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea otter Communication Migration Sirenians/ Polar bear Communication Acoustic Communication Surprise 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

2 the common behavior observed between sea otters that is thought to involve scent recognition

3 What is nosing (200 points)

4 The rapid side-to-side head movement in sea otters

5 What is a head jerk movement (400 points)

6 sound made by female sea otters before and after mating

7 What is a coo (600 points)

8 ear-splitting version of a pup cry given by adults in distress

9 What is a scream (800 points)

10 Soft groaning sound produced while eating

11 What is a grunt (1000 points)

12 A number of populations connected by the dispersal of individuals between them

13 What is a metapopulation (200 points)

14 Physiological change that allows salmon to adapt to both freshwater and saltwater

15 What is smoltification (400 points)

16 The ability to identify a geographic location using two varying environmental gradients

17 What is bicoordinate navigation (600 points)

18 An organ of chemoreception that is part of the olfactory system of mammals that detects heavy moisture-borne odor particles

19 What is Jacobsen’s organ (vomeronasal organ) (800 points)

20 Photopigments that may be receptor molecules that absorb light particles for energy in magnetoreception

21 What are cryptochromes (1000 points)

22 Term for places like Crystal River, FL where manatees congregate

23 What are rendezvous sites (200 points)

24 Manatees spend a majority of their day doing this activity

25 What is feeding (400 points)

26 Activity where mother and calf manatees exchange chirps

27 What is dueting (600 points)

28 Tactile aggressive responses in polar bears are most frequently seen between members of which sex

29 What is males (800 points)

30 Unlike most marine mammals, polar bears have a keen sense of _______

31 What is smell (1000 points)

32 What whale calls inspired the first anti-whaling movement

33 What are humpback whales (200 points)

34 Pure tones that change frequency rapidly and are less than 0
Pure tones that change frequency rapidly and are less than 0.10 seconds in duration

35 What are chirps and whistles (400 points)

36 The location of objects by reflected sound

37 What is echolocation (600 points)

38 Stereotyped sequences of 3-40 broad-band clicks usually lasting less than 3 seconds total

39 What are codas (800 points)

40 Sharp, high-pitched “waahwaah” sound used by sea otter pups

41 What is a baby cry (1000 points)

42 small crystal or iron oxide whose magnetic properties depend on its size and shape

43 What is magnetite (200 points)
triggerfish, eels, and snappers

44 plotting location at any time

45 What is orientation (400 points)

46 Directing movement from one location to another

47 What is navigation (600 points)

48 responsible for time keeping in birds and mammals via the production of melatonin

49 What is the pineal gland (800 points)

50 specific cues from light

51 What are zeitgebers (1000 points)

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