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What are we learning about today?

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Presentation on theme: "What are we learning about today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are we learning about today?

2 Mystery of God Focus Question: How do I understand the ‘otherness’ of God through different religious traditions? Learning Objective: To explore the concept of God in Judaism. Last Lesson Muslim Five Pillars This Lesson Jewish Ideas about God Next Lesson Christian Ideas about God

3 The Shema Task 1: Research and explain what the Shema is. Task 2:
Copy and paste Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Deuteronomy 11:1-27 from our Online Bible (NRSVCE) into your OneNote. Underline the words that tell you something about God. Why do you think the Shema is the most important passage to Jewish people in their understanding of God? Deuteronomy is what Jewish people call one of the five ‘Books of Moses’. What does this mean? (Note: You can research this question if you are unsure.)

4 Jewish Ideas about God Task 3: Research Judaism and try to answer the following questions: How old is Judaism? What do Jewish people think God appointed them for? What other religions are associated with Judaism? What religious document is most important to Jewish people? Which God(s) are they worshipping? What are their core beliefs? What are their rites and rituals (e.g. baby or wedding rites)? How important is prayer in Judaism and how do they pray? How many people are Jewish nowadays and in which countries are they mostly living? Click on the ‘Ethic’ link and describe one ethic issue and what Jewish people think about it. (Use the link ‘Judaism’ from our Weebly.) What surprised you about Judaism?

5 Explain why the Torah is so important to Jewish people.
List any similarities and differences between Hinduism and Judaism you have learned about so far. What questions would you ask a Kohen, which is a Jewish priest, about the religion? Write down at least 5 questions. What are the benefits and/ or positive features about Judaism and its core beliefs? Is there any disadvantages/ negative features? Create a poster outlining the most important features and/or beliefs about Judaism. Based on what you know, how would you explain the spatial distribution of Jewish people? (In other words: Why is Judaism found in some areas of the world and not others?) Choose your own tasks based on your confidence on the topic! Tip: Work at your own pace, this is not a race!

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