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Neutropenia By: Brittni McClellan.

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Presentation on theme: "Neutropenia By: Brittni McClellan."— Presentation transcript:

1 neutropenia By: Brittni McClellan

2 Classifications Neutropenia
A decrease in the number of circulating neutrophils (both segmented and band forms) Total Neutrophil Count (ANC) of <1,500/mm3 ANC = Total WBC Count x (%Segmented Neutrophils + %Band Forms) Causes: Decreased Production of Neutrophils Marrow Failure Marrow Suppression (Drugs, Chemo, Radiation) Nutritional Deficiencies Increased Destruction of Neutrophils Immune-Mediated Increased Utilization (Overwhelming Infection) Sequestration in the Spleen Factitious Causes Bad Blood Sample Leukocytic Fragility (Leukemia, Medication Use)

3 neutropenia– H&P Patient History: Current/Recurrent Fever
Physical Exam: Fever Tachycardia Hypotension Oral Ulceration, Gingival Irritation Pharyngitis, Thrush Cellulitis, Abscesses Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly Bruises, Petechiae, Pallor Phenotypic Abnormalities Thumb/Joint Abnormalities Dwarfism Rash Upper Respiratory Symptoms Jaundice Patient History: Current/Recurrent Fever Skin Abscesses Infection Oral Ulceration Medication Use Compare Prior CBCs Diet: Nutritional Deficiency Family History of Neutropenia, Infection, or Early Death

4 neutropenia - Diagnosis
CBC: Neutrophils Bands Segmented Neutrophils Other Labs Anti-Neutrophil Antibodies Autoimmune and Isoimmune Neutropenia Neutrophils: Direct Serum: Indirect Genetic Testing Kostmann Syndrome (HAX1) Cyclic Neutropenia (ELA2) Cultures

5 Immunologic Infection Drug-Induced Tumors Metabolic Congenital Misc:
Primary Immunodeficiency: Abnormalities in B/T Cell Lymphocytes Bacterial: GBS, TB, Brucellosis, Tularemia, Typhoid Antibiotics: TMP-SMX Penicillin Chloramphenicol Leukemia Nutritional: Metabolic, Cu Deficiency, Megaloblastic Anemia Kostmann Syndrome: Severe Congenital Neutropenia Hypersplenism Autoimmune Neutropenia: Idiopathic, Onset: 2 Years ANA+, Benign Course Tx: Steroids Viral: Hepatitis A/B, Parvovirus B19, RSV, Influenza A/B, Rubeola, Rubella, Varicella, CMV, EBV, HIV Chemotherapy Agents: Alkylating agents, Antimetabolites, Anthracyclines Solid Tumors that Invade Bone Marrow Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Hyperglycemia Isovaleric Acidemia Propionic Acidemia Methylmalonic Acidemia Cyclic Neutropenia: Regular oscillations in the number of circulating neutrophils. Periodicity: 7–36 days Duration of Neutropenia: 3–10 days Aplastic Anemia: Idiopathic Fanconi Anemia, Familial Aplastic Anemia, Dyskeratosis Congenita Felty Syndrome: Neutropenia + Splenomegaly + RA Other: Malaria, Visceral Leishmania, Scrub Typhus, Sandfly Fever Antipyretics: Aspirin Acetaminophen Radiation Injury Isoimmune Neonatal Neutropenia Sedatives: Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines Chronic Benign Neutropenia of Childhood: Diagnosis of Exclusion Phenothiazines: Chlorpromazine, Promethazine Schwachman-Diamond Syndrome: Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Antirheumatic Agents: Gold, Penicillamine, Phenylbutazone Cartilage/Hair Hypoplasia: Dwarfism + Abnormal Cellular Immunity

6 Neutropenia – treatment
Medication: Hematopoietic Growth Factors: Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) Drug of Choice for Kostmann Syndrome: Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) Immune-Mediated Neutropenia: Corticosteroids and/or Plasmapheresis Autoimmune Neutropenia IVIG Considerations: Hospitalized Patients - Isolation Correct the Underlying Cause Treat Underlying Infections with Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics Empirically Prophylactic Antibiotics are NOT Beneficial Treat Only Severely Neutropenic Patients or Symptomatic Patients Death from Overwhelming Infections Can Occur

7 Fever of Unknown Origin:

8 Neutropenia – treatment

9 Kostmann syndrome Description: Pathophysiology: Treatment:
Disorder in Myelopoiesis  Congenital Neutropenia Autosomal Dominant – Most Common Subtype (SCN1) Pathophysiology: Mutation in ELANE (ELA2) Gene on Chromosome 19p13.3. Encodes for Neutrophil Elastase Treatment: Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (Filgrastim)

10 Cyclic neutropenia syndrome
Description: Neutropenia that: Occurs every three weeks. Lasts three to six days at a time. Due to changing rates of cell production by the bone marrow. Pathophysiology: Mutation in ELANE (ELA2) Gene on Chromosome 19p13.3. Encodes for Neutrophil Elastase Treatment: Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (Filgrastim)

11 Schwachman-Diamond Syndrome
Description: Rare congenital disorder Characterized by: Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, Bone Marrow Dysfunction Skeletal Abnormalities Short Stature Pathophysiology: SBDS Gene on Chromosome 7q11. Unknown Protein Treatment: Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (Filgrastim) Pancreatic Enzyme Supplementation

12 Cartilage/Hair Hypoplasia
Description: Also Known As McKusick Type Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia Rare Genetic Disorder. Characterized By: Short-Limbed Dwarfism due to Skeletal Dysplasia Variable Level of Immunodeficiency Predisposition to Cancer. Pathophysiology: Mutations in RMRP Gene The ncRNA Component - RNae Treatment: Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (Filgrastim) Unknown Treatment Verne Troyer

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