Decisions, Decisions There are many decisions we’re confronted throughout our lives, that in hindsight, turn out to be “life altering”. To complicate.

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2 Decisions, Decisions There are many decisions we’re confronted throughout our lives, that in hindsight, turn out to be “life altering”. To complicate matters, we live in a culture (thanks to social media) bent on imposing a moral

3 Lady Wisdom = Tree of Life Proverbs 3
Long life to those who “do not forget (her) teaching” and “keep (her) commandments”. V. 1 (cp. v. 16) Synonymously, by trusting in the LORD, you will not lean on your own understanding. V. 5-7 By fearing/trusting in the Lord… “it will be healing to your body…” v. 8 (cp. Rev 22:1-2)

4 Do we acknowledge Him in ALL our ways? Proverbs 3:6
While some things are so easy, other decisions are relatively much more difficult, as we strive to discern between “good” and “bad” decisions. Chocolate or vanilla? Buying a house: cash or 10 yr, 30 yr. mortgages? “White lies”? Capital punishment? Sacrifice your life for another?

5 The Way of Wisdom No matter what the decisions are we strive to make throughout out lifetime…. Do we seek and ask for God’s wisdom? James 1:5 Does His word to richly dwell within us? Col 3:16 Do we set our minds on the Spirit of God? Rom 8:1-5 If that is the case, we will discern and exercise our unique (though limited) sovereignty to best reflect God’s wisdom in handling our difficult questions.

6 In the words of Jesus “Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done
In the words of Jesus “Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done.” Luke 22:42

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