Presenters: Steve Pinning, Director of CTE Erik Mickelson, CTE TOSA

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Presentation on theme: "Presenters: Steve Pinning, Director of CTE Erik Mickelson, CTE TOSA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning, Executing, and Showcasing Integrated Projects – Student Driven
Presenters: Steve Pinning, Director of CTE Erik Mickelson, CTE TOSA Mike Phelan, CTE TOSA Palm Springs Unified School District


3 Integrated Projects…Why?
Relevance Mutually Support Academic and CTE content Raise engagement and rigor across the curriculum Develop employability skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Communication Collaboration Creativity

4 Showcase Student Work Raise community awareness of student work
Students interact with members of the community Increases the “stakes” of the project Boosts parent and community support for the programs Increases public perception of what our students may accomplish


6 Teacher Summer Institute
Two models: 5 day or 3 day Each day has expected deliverables Each academy and pathway has a Google folder with all forms




10 FORMS: Driving Question

11 Project Theme and Description

12 Curriculum Map

13 Daily Gains Questions and Needs (Daily)

14 Common Outcomes and Expectations

15 Common Outcomes and Expectations (Cont.)

16 Industry and Post-Secondary Education Partners

17 Project Development Worksheet

18 Project Development Worksheet (Cont.)
2. Academic and Technical Rigor How will students use the knowledge learned in the classroom? Type response inside box… What technical skills will students need to learn and use? Type response inside box… What higher order thinking skills will students need to demonstrate?

19 Project Development Worksheet (Cont.)

20 Project Development Worksheet (Cont.)
3. Research Beyond the Classroom What outside the classroom, field - based activities will the project require students to conduct? Type response inside box… What methods and sources of information will students be expected to use in their investigations (e.g., interviewing and observing, gathering and reviewing information, collecting data, model building, online services)?

21 Project Development Worksheet (Cont.)
4. Business Partner Engagement How will students have access to at least one outside the classroom adult who has expertise and experience relevant to the project and who will ask questions, provide feedback, and offer advice? Type response inside box… How will at least one outside th e classroom business professional help students develop a sense of the industry standards for this type of work/project?

22 Project Development Worksheet (Cont.)
5. Assessment Practices How will students receive timely feedback on their works - in progress from teachers, I ndustry partners, and peers? Type response inside box… How will students be involved in reviewing or helping establish the project criteria? What is being used to measure the desired student outcomes? Type response inside box…

23 Skills Needed to Successfully Complete the Project

24 Culminating Class Event



27 Project Calendar

28 Student Showcase Project Submission/Judges’ Scoring Scoring for Each Element:   1 = Submitted Work 2 = Minimal Evidence   3 = Sufficient Evidence   4 = Good Evidence   5 = Exceptional Evidence  

29 Student Showcase Project Submission

30 Student Showcase Project Submission

31 Student Showcase Project Judges’ Scoring

32 Student Showcase Project Judges’ Scoring


34 Student Intern and Ambassador Program






40 Expansion for Year 2 Returning Interns as Managers
Online Course covering Project Management, Event Planning, Creating Effective Presentations, Leadership Multiple Events/Activities CTE District Ambassador Roles

41 Tips for Implementation
Build Relationships Balance of Juniors and Seniors Fight the Urge to Make the Decisions Provide Guidelines but Allow for Creativity Don’t Underestimate How Much They Can Do Use Teenage Friendly Means of Communication Use Break Times Feed Them 












53 Contact Information Steve Pinning: Erik Mickelson: Mike Phelan: Like & follow us at: Careerandtechedatpsusd Facebook & Instagram

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