Part 5 Matthew 13:2-23.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 5 Matthew 13:2-23."— Presentation transcript:

1 part 5 Matthew 13:2-23

2 Responding to the Voice of GOD
“Have a Personal Relationship with GOD” “Have a Heart for Him” Hearing Clearly from the Lord, Listening Carefully to what He is Saying and Acting Obediently to what He wants you to do, Reveals Your Heart for Him

3 (v.9) ~ “Whoever has ears, Let them Hear”
Having a Heart for GOD Seed Fell upon the Path Seed Fell upon Rocky Ground Seed Fell upon the Thorns Seed Fell upon Good Soil (v.9) ~ “Whoever has ears, Let them Hear”

4 Matthew 13:14-15(CEV) “These people will listen and listen,
14 So God’s promise came true, just as the prophet Isaiah had said, “These people will listen and listen, but never understand. They will look and look, but never see.

5 Matthew 13:14-15(CEV) 15 All of them have stubborn minds! Their ears are stopped up, and their eyes are covered. They cannot see or hear or understand. If they could, they would turn to me, and I would heal them.”

6 part 5 Matthew 13:2-23

7 4 Categories of People Seed Fell upon the Path
A Person with a Hard Heart toward GOD They Reject Him, His Word & His People

8 I do not like your Christians.
Gandhi “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

9 part 5 Matthew 13:2-23

10 2. Seed Fell upon Rocky Ground
This is a person who has a casual heart for GOD. AT first they seem so on fire for the Lord, then they begin falling back into their previous lifestyle This is the person that at the first sign of something not going right in their life, walk away from the church

If you’re Not Willing to give Jesus your All now, Why would He want to give you All of Heaven for All of eternity since it cost Him His All upon the cross. “HE GAVE HIS ALL & HE DESERVES YOUR ALL”

12 3. Seed Fell among the Thorns
This is the person who is so concerned about the pleasures of this world & no or minimum concerns about their relationship with the Lord Their heart is crowded with their desires of the flesh ruling over their Relationship with GOD

13 4. Seed Fell upon Good Soil
This is the person who has a True & Sincere Converted Heart They realize that the things of this world are dim & meaningless They have the desire for GOD’s Word & more of it & they allow it to sink in so that they become transformed more from who they were to who GOD created them to be

14 part 5 Matthew 13:2-23

15 Questions for the Heart
Are you “Willing” to Hear, Listen & Act upon His Voice? Are you “Wanting” to Hear His Voice? Are you “Waning” away from His Voice? Are you “Welcoming” the Voice of GOD in your life?

16 Becoming a Better Listener to GOD
Prioritize - Make GOD the Priority in your life. Put Nothing or No One Above Him Pursue - Make GOD the Priority in your life. Put Nothing or No One Above Him Deuteronomy 4:29 seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

17 Come near to God and he will come near to you.
Becoming a Better Listener to GOD 3. Persevere - Never Give Up Drawing Closer to Him to deepen your Personal Relationship James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you.

18 Becoming a Better Listener to GOD
4. Pray - Honor the Lord in your prayer life & take time to truly hear what He is saying to you through the Power of the Holy Spirit 5. Put It Into Action - God’s Word Commands us to Go Forth, To Be Active & To be Alive in Christ

19 Becoming a Better Listener to GOD
2 Timothy 3:16-17 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work..

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