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Matthew 16:26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 16:26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 16:26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Luke 9:25 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?

2 Focuses on Four Things Matthew 16:26
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Focuses on Four Things The value of the soul The danger of losing soul The exchange some make for their soul The contrast between now and eternity

3 Losing Your Soul Matt. 16:26

4 Losing Your Soul The Value it Has

5 The Value it Has What is your soul? Man is a triune being
1 Thess. 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

6 The Value it Has What is your soul? Man is a triune being Body Body
Spirit Soul Body Body (Material) Soul (Life) Spirit (Immortal)

7 The Value it Has What is your soul? Man is a triune being
Soul is immortal

8 Spirit Soul Soul “The spirit (heb. Ruach, Gr. Pneuma) is the principle
of man’s rational and immortal life, which involves conscience and will, and which enables man to be sensitive to the divine” (Smith’s 366). Soul “The soul is not an entity with a separate nature from the flesh and possessing or capable of a life of its own. Rather it is the life animating the flesh” (Hastings 932). Soul “The soul (Heb. Nephesh, Gr. Phyche) is the principle of animal life, which man possesses in common with the brutes…This part of a man ceases to exist at death.” (Smith’s 366)

9 Heb. 4:12 Spirit - (Immortal) Soul - (Life) 1 Cor. 5:5
Matt. 2:20; 6:25

10 The Value it Has What is your soul? Man is a triune being
Soul is immortal Soul and spirit used interchangeably

11 Spirit Soul Life Life Immortal Immortal (Rev. 13:15) (1 Thess. 5:23)
(1 Cor. 5:5) Immortal (1 Pet. 1:9)

12 The Value it Has What is your soul? Man is a triune being
Soul is immortal Soul and spirit used interchangeably Soul makes us distinct from animals

13 Different Made In the Image of God (Gen. 1:26) Body Body Life Life Soul

14 The Value it Has What is your soul? Your soul is all you have

15 Family Friends Your Health Spirit Soul Body Soul (Spirit)

16 Family Friends Your Health Spirit Soul Body Soul (Spirit)

17 Soul (Spirit)

18 The Value it Has What is your soul? Your soul is all you have
The value of your soul Jesus died to save your soul Matt. 26:28 Acts 20:28 1 Pet. 1:18-19 Heb. 2:9, 10, 14-16

19 The Value it Has Your Soul What is your soul?
Your soul is all you have The value of your soul Jesus died to save your soul Worth more than whole world Matt. 16:26 Your Soul

20 The Value it Has What is your soul? Your soul is all you have
The value of your soul Jesus died to save your soul Worth more than whole world What your soul worth to you? Sell it? Trade it? Throw it away?

21 Losing Your Soul The Value it Has The Danger it Faces

22 The Danger it Faces Forfeit – suffer the loss
Translated “forfeit” (ASV, ESV, NASV) Translated “suffer loss” (YLT, Darby) BDAG: “to experience the loss of someth., with implication of undergoing hardship or suffering, suffer damage / loss, forfeit, sustain injury.” Lose the only thing you really have!!!

23 The Danger it Faces Forfeit – suffer the loss Miss heaven
If die in sin – can’t go to heaven (John 8:21) Not inherit kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:21) Miss the bliss and glory (Rev. 21:4)

24 The Danger it Faces Forfeit – suffer the loss Miss heaven Eternal hell
Worse than being killed (Matt. 10:28) Where fire is not quenched (Mk. 9:43) Lake burns with fire & brimstone (Rev. 21:8)

25 Losing Your Soul The Value it Has The Danger it Faces
The Exchange We Make

26 The Exchange We Make Anything that causes us to lose soul = exchange
Exchange – to give something of value for something else you’d rather have Any choice – of sin is choice of exchange

27 The Exchange We Make Anything that causes us to lose soul = exchange
What we are willing to exchange Pleasure for a season (Heb. 11:25) May be an attitude (Gal. 5:19-21) May be a marriage (Matt. 5:32) May be a lie (Rev. 21:8) May be a garment (1 Tim. 2:9-10) May be how I treat others (Matt. 7:12) May be my refusal to change (Psa. 55:19)

28 Losing Your Soul The Value it Has The Danger it Faces
The Exchange We Make The Contrast We Miss

29 The Contrast We Miss The contrast Now –vs- later (vv. 25-26)
Making life now better – or saving soul later

30 The Contrast We Miss The contrast The context
Vv – not going to be as you would like V. 24 – If choose to follow Christ – must be wholehearted & prepared for hardships V. 25 – a paradox: If save life – will lose it / if lose life – will save it V. 26 – explanation of paradox – Only two choices: Follow him now – face difficultly – save soul Not follow him now – avoid difficulty – lose soul!

31 Losing Your Soul The Value it Has The Danger it Faces
The Exchange We Make The Contrast We Miss


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