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Other Objects in the Universe

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Presentation on theme: "Other Objects in the Universe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Objects in the Universe

2 Nebulae

3 A Planetary Nebula surrounds a dying star...
(size on scale of solar system)‏

4 Some nebulae are results of massive, very unstable stars

5 V 838 Monocerotis

6 Some nebulae are stellar nurseries ...
(These are many light years in size)‏


8 Some represent birth AND death
Some represent birth AND death... (Eta Carinae lies within the Keyhole Nebula)‏

9 Supernovae

10 Supernovae are the death throes of massive stars

11 White Dwarf vs Neutron Star
White dwarfs are the remnant of stars like our Sun Neutron Stars are the remnants of more massive stars White Dwarf vs Neutron Star

12 Quasars

13 Quasars are objects from the young universe (we don't see any nearby)‏


15 Perhaps Quasars are Active Galactic Nuclei
Perhaps Quasars are Active Galactic Nuclei... (note the jets of gas coming from the nucleus of this galaxy)‏

16 Black Holes

17 They're not Black, nor are they Holes


19 Review

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