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Equal Opportunity Office - located in the Holmes-Hunter Bldg behind the Arches Legal staff:

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Presentation on theme: "Equal Opportunity Office - located in the Holmes-Hunter Bldg behind the Arches Legal staff:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equal Opportunity Office - located in the Holmes-Hunter Bldg behind the Arches
Legal staff:

2 University of Georgia Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (NDAH) Policy & Sexual Misconduct Policy Discrimination and harassment are often intertwined What about harassment/bullying/disparate treatment that is not related to a protected category? If occurs while you are at work, may violate UGA’s Workplace Violence Policy which prohibits bullying -> report it to your supervisor and contact Sige Burden in UGA Human Resources who enforces the policy If harasser/bully is a student, can also make a complaint to the Office of Student Conduct

3 Bottom Line Up Front Your role is not to apply the policy or conduct investigations under the policy Your role is to: Recognize issues that could fall under the policy Ex. “discrimination,” “harassed” Race, sexual harassment, sexual orientation etc., Sexual or relationship violence Know what to do with that information, i.e. report it. Recognize that issues involving harassment and discrimination are beyond your authority to resolve June 13, 2018

Sex (including sexual harassment [sexual violence & pregnancy) Sexual orientation Gender identity Ethnicity or national origin Religion Age Disability status Veteran status Genetic Information Also includes: dating violence, domestic violence and stalking It IS NOT a “be nice to everyone all the time” policy Policy only applies to the protected categories listed here: Sex includes sexual harassment, also includes gender, gender identity and pregnancy Genetic information refers to family medical history or information about your DNA (e.g., you carry a gene that predisposes you to a certain disease) A 2008 federal law prohibits employers and health insurance companies from discriminating against people based on their genetic information Examples of what is NOT protected: Political beliefs Citizenship Status Regional identities (making fun of a southern accent) Physical appearance (having a bad hair day, socks don’t match), unless related to one of protected categories like gender identity (e.g., transitioning male who wears make-up) or disability (shortness due to dwarfism) General rudeness or bullying - use of profanity, verbal abusiveness unless related to a protected category Example #1 - “You’re such an idiot. You never get anything right” - not protected (unless person being addressed has a mental disability or is perceived by others as having a mental disability) man to woman => “You never get anything right. I should have asked John do it. I can always count on him.” – may be gender-related, implicates NDAH

5 FREEDOMS 1st Amendment freedom of speech/expression Academic freedom
Freedoms considered during investigations BUT do not excuse behavior that violates policy. Freedom of expression = free speech under First Amendment Students enjoy a considerable amount of free speech protection even when the speech is offensive and relates to protected a category (race, sex, national origin etc.) University employees have much more limited free speech protection => courts have ruled that employers, particularly governmental employers like UGA, have a fairly expansive degree of control over what employees can and cannot do or say on the job Academic freedom is the exception – instructors have considerable leeway in what and how they teach BUT context is important e.g., In a literature class where assigned readings involve topic of human sexuality, okay to discuss sex On the other hand, gratuitous discussion of sexuality in a computer science class probably not protected by academic freedom

6 Responsible Employees and Positions of Authority at UGA
Faculty and Instructors Administrators UGA Police Supervisors Staff Students can also be responsible employees or persons in positions of authority: Graduate TA’s Student supervisors or managers University Housing (RA’s, Graduate Residents, etc.) Orientation leaders Who is a responsible employee? all faculty and instructors all administrators all law enforcement students in certain positions (e.g., student managers, residential assistants, graduate assistants) If in doubt, safest to assume you do hold a position of authority Duty to report INCLUDES BOTH: Direct knowledge – you experience or witness it Indirect knowledge – someone else tells you about it or you overhear someone else talking about it e.g., someone you are tutoring tells you that one of their professors was making racial slurs => must report it (policy violation if you don’t) e.g., you overhear two students in the hallway talking about a teaching assistant who was making inappropriate sexual remarks about a professor => should report it

7 Sexual Assault Response Protocol in a Nutshell
Affirm the disclosure Explain no confidentiality Ask about safety and medical concerns Provide options for reporting to Police or EOO Offer a bridge to support resources Fulfill your reporting obligations by contacting EOO

Only a few employees at UGA have confidentiality: Counseling & Psychiatric Services (CAPS) at UGA Health Center UGA Health Center medical clinicians Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) at Health Center Student Support Services in Dean of Students Office UGA Ombudspersons Everyone else must report all information known to EOO Required to report the disclosure and all known details to EOO Must relay any request for confidentiality or no-investigation EOO will usually honor such requests absent threat to future safety of individual or University Community If someone starts out, “I want to talk to you about something but I don’t want you to tell anyone”: let them know before they disclose further that you don’t have confidentiality and, depending what they tell you, you may be obligated to report it to others at the University If person has already disclosed: provide affirmation (previous slide) and then explain: 1) University policy requires you to notify EOO 2) this does not automatically trigger an investigation 3) you will relay any request for confidentiality or no-investigation 4) EOO will usually be able to honor such request 5) Request for confidentiality or no-investigation may limit UGA’s ability to take responsive action Examples of when EOO cannot honor request (not exhaustive): Multiple reports against same alleged perpetrator More than one alleged perpetrator Weapon involved Perpetrator threatened future harm to survivor or University Community

Reach out to survivor to offer: Remedial measures Resource referrals Investigation Track reports to determine trends, hot spots, repeat alleged offenders, etc. Conduct investigations Coordinate hearings (where applicable) Remedial and disciplinary steps as warranted

Faculty and staff, including graduate teaching assistants, cannot date or have a sexual relationship with ANY student they currently supervise, teach, or evaluate in any way. Employees cannot date or have a sexual relationship if either employee supervises, evaluates, or in any other way directly affects the terms or conditions of the other’s employment. “Directly affects” => one employee is above the other employee in a vertical  line of authority extending through one or more organizational levels of supervision or management. Want to avoid actual or perceived favoritism Also avoids awkward situation there’s a fight or break up – tension or conflict between those two individuals can impact other employees or students 9/18/2019

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