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Meet the Teacher September 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teacher September 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teacher September 2019

2 Meet the team… Teachers Mrs Mason-Hill Mrs Thorner Miss Leadbeatter OT

3 Meet the team… Teaching assistants Leading PPA and Leadership time
Mrs Davies Leading PPA and Leadership time OT Miss Cook Mrs Hunter 3

4 PE kit Full list on the website
Bring it in on Monday and take home on Friday. Our PE days are Monday & Thursday, but this can sometimes change at short notice. Ensure children have trainers or plimsolls in their kit. EM 4

5 What we are learning – our curriculum
Subject based learning History- Significant People Geography- Local geography moving on to the wider world Music- hip hop, Latino, rap, blues, folk (modern) Art- Kandinsky & Van Gogh Science- plants, seasonal change, materials, animals RE- Christianity & Islam EM

6 Core skills At the heart of all learning are our core skills of Maths, English and Science These skills can be found on the assessment grids. These will be published shortly alongside our new curriculum on the school website. OT

7 Reading Children need to read at least 3 times a week
and this needs to be documented in the reading diary. Children are listened to in school by an adult & recorded in the reading diary. Whole class reading is taught through guided reading sessions and phonic. OT 7

8 EM

9 Spelling and Word of the Day
Spelling focusses on first 100 High frequency words All classes will be introducing a word of the day. Please ask your child what our word is and talk through it with them. The words will be put on the weekly homework sheet. EM

10 Maths We follow the ‘Power’ Maths scheme
All children will be taught key learning through lessons – differentiation will be provided through practical resources and extra challenges There is also a focus on mental arithmetic including number bonds and counting in 2s, 5s, 10s Concrete – picture- abstract As far as possible maths will be linked to real contexts and purposes OT 10

11 Homework Mental maths book pages
Spelling book/phonics book pages – check which page each week. Reading homework – record 3 times each week in the diary. Theme tasks –more open ended and creative Presentation of homework tasks should be the same as in school. OT

12 Help! Can you help us? Visits and walks to local places
Listen to readers, support learning spellings Provide expertise for class based learning Just let us know! EM 12

13 Thank you for joining us Follow us on twitter @wsmacademy

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