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Concept Development and End Product Description

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Presentation on theme: "Concept Development and End Product Description"— Presentation transcript:

1 Concept Development and End Product Description

2 Concept Generation

3 Portable Audio Equalizer
Objectives The system should have excellent sound quality. The system should have easy equalization The system should be lightweight The system should be low cost Constraints The system must be portable The system will be an add-on to an existing MP3 player

4 Concept Fan The Concept Fan is a way of discovering alternative approaches to a problem when you have discarded all obvious solutions. It develops the principle of 'taking a step back' to get a broader viewpoint. Initially, the Concept Fan requires you to draw a circle in the middle of a large piece of paper. Write the problem you are trying to solve in the circle. To the right of it radiate lines representing possible solutions to the problem (concepts), see the diagram below:

5 Concept Fan It is possible that the ideas you have come up with are impractical or do not solve the problem. If this is the case, take a 'step back' for a broader analysis of the problem. Drawing a circle to the left of the first circle does this, writing the broader definition into this new circle and linking it with an arrow to show that it comes from the first circle, see diagram below: Use this as a starting point to radiate out other ideas; if this does not give you an adequate amount of new concepts, you can take yet another step back (and another, and another…)

6 Concept Fan

7 Concept Combination Table
A Concept Combination Table (also called morphology box) is a matrix of concept fragments organized by functions (each function forms a separate column) so that an integrated concept can be created by choosing any concept fragment for each function and combining them to complete the required functionality.

8 Concept Combination Table

9 Concept Combination Table

10 Concept Combination Table

11 Concept Selection

12 Concept Selection

13 End Product Description
In this section you will describe: The constituent modules and their interrelationships The functionality of the product The functionality of the different modules Present the product specs

14 Black Box In science, computing, and engineering, a black box is a device, system or object which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and outputs (or transfer characteristics), without any knowledge of its internal workings. Its implementation is "opaque" (black). Almost anything might be referred to as a black box: a transistor, an algorithm, or the human brain.

15 Block Diagram A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks. They are heavily used in engineering in hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow diagrams.

16 End Product Description
To obtain the block diagram of a design we use a method based on levels We start with Level 0, which is the black box description of the project. We uncover Level 0 and see the Level 1 modules We continue this process until the step before placing components At each step we provide the modules' functions and interconnection specifications

17 Level 0 Equalizer Functionality
This is the product description without knowledge of the internal blocks (black box)

18 Level 1 Equalizer Functionality
This a general Description of the internal blocks Only Pre-AMP table shown. Show a table for each block

19 Level 2 Automatic Level control (ALC)

20 Embedded Systems Require additional Information
Pseudo Code or Flow Charts are required

21 Continue until the next step is to place components

22 Conventions Use buses (Thick lines) to represent several connecting lines that have common origin and destination Terminate the bus with an arrow head at the destination When information flow is bidirectional, place arrows at both ends of the bus When possible indicate the number of lines

23 Conventions At some level of detail all individual lines must show
Images from: and Remember, stop when the next step is placing components

24 In Summary Describe diagrams in paragraphs with local functionality tables slides (11 to 14) Repeat Functionality Tables Put level 0 functionality in one table Group all level 1 functionality tables in one table Repeat for all levels At the end of de section include the Technical Specs that you obtained before

25 Example




29 Diagrams and tables must be explained

30 Diagrams and tables must be explained

31 Diagrams and tables must be explained

32 Diagrams and tables must be explained, as in this case.


34 Diagrams and tables must be explained

35 Other Deliverables Power Point Presentation Final Report User Manual

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