eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion

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Presentation on theme: "eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion"— Presentation transcript:

1 ZonicBook/618E eZ-TOMAS Software Key Phaser: Input Channel Configuration and discussion. Mike Grace

2 eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion
Select Analysis Frequency Based on ~70 samples per revolution at max. machine speed (CPS). For example, 3600 RPM = 60 CPS 60 CPS * 70 samples / revolution = 4200 samples per second. Recommend Analysis Frequency = 2000 Hz. (sample rate would be 5120 samples per second … * Fmax)

3 eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion
Input Channels: 2 options for ZonicBook Hardware. Tach Inputs: TTL Pulses, Laser Tachs, Optical Tachs, Mag Pickups. Select AC Coupling. Select Counter Mode for 1 pulse per revolution, Select Period Mode for Multiple pulses per revolution.

4 eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion
Input Channels: 2 options for ZonicBook Hardware. Analog Inputs: TTL Pulses, Laser Tachs, Optical Tachs, Mag Pickups, key phaser. Select either AC or DC Coupling. Trigger Direction / Voltage: Positive and + 1 V (typical) for laser and photo-eye Negative and -1 V (typical) for key phaser.

5 eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion
Example of Key Phaser, 3600 RPM Turbine 500 Hz Analysis Frequency

6 eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion
Example of Key Phaser, 3600 RPM Turbine 2000 Hz Analysis Frequency

7 eZ-TOMAS: Tach Configuration and Discussion
Example of Key Phaser, 3600 RPM Turbine 5000 Hz Analysis Frequency

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