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Presentation on theme: "Acceleration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acceleration

2 Is speed usually constant?
What happens to the speed of each object depicted below?

3 Is speed usually constant?
What happens to the speed of each object depicted below?

4 Is speed usually constant?
What happens to the speed of each object depicted below?

5 Is speed usually constant?
What happens to the speed of each object depicted below?

6 What 2 types of speed exist?
Average speed For most moving objects, speed is not constant Because speed can change so much, we calculate average speed Average speed = Total distance/Total time

7 What is Velocity? In order to describe motion completely, you need to know: Speed Direction of motion Velocity = Speed in a specific direction .

8 What is Velocity? Examples Storm tracking
We need to know the speed of the storm = 25km/hr We need to know its direction = eastward Then we know its velocity = km/h eastward

9 What is Velocity? Examples Air traffic controlling
We need to know the speed of the plane = 900km/hr We need to know its direction = westward Then we know its velocity = km/h westward


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