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FEV1 and FVC for the control group (without noninvasive ventilation [NIV]), NIV with an inspiratory pressure (IPAP) of 15 cm H2O and expiratory pressure.

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Presentation on theme: "FEV1 and FVC for the control group (without noninvasive ventilation [NIV]), NIV with an inspiratory pressure (IPAP) of 15 cm H2O and expiratory pressure."— Presentation transcript:

1 FEV1 and FVC for the control group (without noninvasive ventilation [NIV]), NIV with an inspiratory pressure (IPAP) of 15 cm H2O and expiratory pressure (EPAP) of 5 cm H2O, and NIV with an IPAP of 15 cm H2O and an EPAP of 10 cm H2O. FEV1 and FVC for the control group (without noninvasive ventilation [NIV]), NIV with an inspiratory pressure (IPAP) of 15 cm H2O and expiratory pressure (EPAP) of 5 cm H2O, and NIV with an IPAP of 15 cm H2O and an EPAP of 10 cm H2O. Data from Reference 21. Dean R Hess Respir Care 2015;60: (c) 2012 by Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.

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