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Power of hydrogen.

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1 power of hydrogen


3 pH scale logarithmic scale If pH changes by factor of 1,
expressing H+1 concentration, [H+1] If pH changes by factor of 1, [H+1] changes by factor of 10 pH = -log[H+1]


5 Molarity to pH To determine pH: express [H+1] in scientific notation
remember, [ ] means concentration of whatever is inside brackets log is the power of 10

6 Molarity to pH for Pure water
tiny bit of ionization in pure water: H2O  H+1 + OH-1 [H+1] = [OH-1] = 1 X 10-7 M pH = -log[H+1] = -(-7) = 7

7 pH 3 2 1 pH .001 M or 1 X M 0.01 M 1 X M 0.1 M 1 X M 1 M 1X100 M [H+1]


9 pOH =

10 pH range 0 to (7 is neutral) pH = 0, strongly acidic pH = 14, strongly basic

11 ACID or BASE? acids: [H+1]  [OH-1] bases: [OH-1]  [H+1]


13 Relationships of: pH, pOH, [H+1] and [OH-1]
product of [H+1] and [OH-1] is always 1x10-1M add exponents when multiple in scientific notation sum of pH and pOH is always 14

14 pH + pOH = 14 pH = 3, pOH = 11 pH = 7, pOH = pH = 10, pOH = 7
5 13

15 if pH = 4 [H+1] = ? pOH = ? [OH-1] = ? 1 x 10-4 M 10 1x10-10 M

16 if the [OH-1] = 1 X 10-3 pOH = ? pH = ? [H+1] = ? 3 14 – 3 = 11
1x10-11 M

17 if the [H+1] = 1 x 10-5M pH = ? pOH = ? [OH-] = ? 5 14 – 5 = 9 1x10-9M

18 6 1x10-2 1x10-5 3 Acidic or Basic pOH [OH-] (M) pH [H+] 1x10-3 1x10-11 11 A 9 B 1x10-9 5 A 2 1x10-12 12 1x10-8 8 1x10-6 B

19 How to safely test pH use instruments – pH meter
use indicators – litmus paper or liquid indicators see if substance reacts with a metal other than Cu, Ag, or Au NEVER “taste”

20 pH meters

21 Indicator (l) substance that changes color over narrow pH range
use several indicators to narrow down pH range of substance See Table M



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