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Social Studies Notes In 1628 Puritans built Salem.

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1 Social Studies Notes In 1628 Puritans built Salem.
Puritans wanted to purify the CoE In 1630 John Winthrop led Puritans to start the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Named settlement Boston Winthrop named governor. Roger Williams was a minister who disagreed with the Puritans church and spoke out against poor treatment of the NA Roger Williams expelled from colony Williams founds Providence.

2 Social Studies Notes Anne Hutchinson spoke out against the Puritan leaders and was expelled. She started a settlement that later joined Providence and became Rhode Island. NE colonies are Connecticut, NH, Massachusetts, RI. Thomas Hooker founds Hartford which later becomes part of Connecticut. 1623 David Thomson starts Portsmouth which later becomes part of NH. Even in more free parts of NE only land owning white men could vote. Continued taking of NA land will lead to war.

3 Social Studies Notes All Puritans had to attend church on Sunday.
Puritans lived by strict rules, didn’t play games, and work/church dominated their lives. Most people lived in small towns. Meetinghouse is the most important building. Barter system is used, not money. Women worked in the homes, men outside of the homes. Every fall crops were harvested, some were kept and others traded for goods from other places.

4 1636 Puritans founded Harvard.
Social Studies Notes 1636 Puritans founded Harvard. All decent sized towns had to have a school. Teachers were strict, children were learning to read because they needed to read the bible.

5 Social Studies Notes Boston is one of the largest English cities.
It was difficult to grow crops, due to harsh weather and rocky soil. Farmers adapted and raised animals. There were more trees in the colonies than England. Lumber is a large part of the NE economy. In NE shipbuilding is a major industry. Trading was important for the region and fishing/whaling were too.

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