Progress Report 04/27 Simon.

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1 Progress Report 04/27 Simon

2 Current Projects Energy-efficient scheduling on asymmetric multi-core platform. [CHT] Cloud resource scheduling for online and batch applications. [VR] Live reality fusion. Hierarchical resource management system(in a data center).

3 Energy-efficient Scheduling on Asymmetric Multi-core Platform
Minimize the power consumption while provide sufficient resources for throughput guaranteed jobs. Current status Waiting for the response from ICPP’16. 翔昕 is working on his thesis.

4 Cloud Resource Scheduling for Online and Batch Applications
Develop a resource management framework for private cloud. Dynamically adjust the resource allocation in order to meet the SLA of applications. Current status Working on the final report. 佑隆 is working on building the experimental environment and his thesis.

5 Live Reality Fusion Fuse multiple live 360’ videos into one virtual reality. Short-term target: fuse the 360’ video of 106 and 107 in IIS building. Current status 禎佑 is working on 360’ video stitching with 祖儀, assistant of Dr. Wang.

6 Hierarchical Resource Management System
Motivation The current designs of resource allocator do not cooperate with the scheduler. Goal Design a hierarchical resource management system that integrates the resource allocator and scheduler. Improve the resource utilization and energy- efficiency of servers in a data center.

7 Crowdsourcing Resource Allocator
Inspired by the video clip: N09_k Procedures: Design a game with the same mechanisms as a resource allocator in a data center. Collect the traces with high scores and analyze these traces. Big data, machine learning, deep learning … Design new allocation methods.

8 Interface 332 A B C A B B B A A C C

9 Discussion

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