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#statetheobvious 2. Sin is bad.. #statetheobvious 2. Sin is bad.

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2 #statetheobvious 2. Sin is bad.

3 #statetheobvious Sin is bad: Romans 3 v 23. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

4 #statetheobvious Sin is bad: Romans 6 v 23. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

5 #statetheobvious Sin is bad: Sin is doing what God would not do. We define sin by God’s unchanging nature. God is good, not-God is bad.

6 #statetheobvious Sin is bad: Sin makes us enemies of God. It leaves us eternally dead. There is nowhere in the Universe where sin is acceptable.

7 #statetheobvious Sin is bad: Sin is a bigger problem than sins. We point out sins as if the number or nature of them mattered.

8 #statetheobvious Sin is bad: Jesus died for our sin, not just our sins. He paid for it all. Sin does not own us anymore.

9 #statetheobvious The series: 1) God is God. 2) Sin is bad. 3) You are precious. 4) Jesus forgives. 5) There will be an end. 6) All you do is trust. 7) The Spirit moves. 8) Grace is amazing. 9) It’s about Him, not you.

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