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Daniel, Gianluca and Belen (for the Collimator team)

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1 Daniel, Gianluca and Belen (for the Collimator team)
Loss Maps We have analyzed the Beam Loss Maps with the ions settings and they look ok. Please find attached the plots for: in-collision: B1H, B1V, B2H, B2V (no off-momentum) after-squeeze (non-colliding): B1H, B1V, B2H, B2V, off-momentum Neg and Pos Efficiencies are between 1-3% as expected for ions, however it rises up to around 10% for the positive momentum losses, but the setup is still good. From the collimation side we give green light, we don't need new BLMs. Daniel, Gianluca and Belen  (for the Collimator team) LHC status

2 Async dumps 6/11/11 @ 20:04: Asynch dump in collision.
This one was already looked at by Brennan. There was very little beam left for this loss map, with the TCDQA losses about a factor 100 lower than for the asynch dump performed later that night. For this reason the TCT/TCDQ loss ratios could not be properly calculated. However, if the loss ratio would be above the unacceptable level (> 5e4), they would have been measured. No losses on triplets either. XPOC BLM module did not fail due to the little beam. However, this loss map is ok. 02:03 Asynch dump after squeeze separated. Nice asynch dump with 1.3e10 p+ on the DC BCT. Loss ratio TCT/TCDQ 4.2e-5 for B1 and 2.3e-6 B2. No losses on triplet. XPOC BLM module failed on this dump, which is a good sign. Asynch dump ok. Asynch dumps remain to be done at flat top and at injection. Jan Uythoven LHC status

3 ADT Need about 6h ideal date: Saturday afternoon. 1.) the main topics:
single bunch injection (typical probe beam intensity for protons, for ions the intensity is small anyway) to set up the sample delay (in myb words: the overall timing of the ADT) injection of several bunches (6-12), at the same bucket position in LHC and / or at different positions shot by shot to measure / adjust the timing for the different n=bunches. injection of a 200ns bunch train to check the multi bunch performance 2.) if possible: at 3.5 TeV with separate beams excite the beams using the tune kicker and measure the damping time. This could be done after the first test-collisions with a few bunches (single bunch OK) on Sunday, just before dump; 1-2 hours LHC status

4 Incoming Async dump & loss map (B2 to repeat) at injection
Test ramp/async dump at flat top – 1 ramp Steering of TI8 (2 mm injection oscillations to correct) Collisions of 2b / beam - 1 fill - stable beams Transverse feedback set-up with ions Collisions of 170b / beam - 2 fills Collisions of 360b / beam The 200 ns bunch spacing will be used (for the first phase at least), with injection of up to 24 ion bunches per SPS transfer. LHC status

5 On the list Additional BLMs L2 (Bernd Dehning)
I propose to prepare the installation beginning of next week, with 4 new monitors monitors. We will pull an new optical fibre cable and install new electronics in this area. We need for the installation 4 hours, hoping that could be scheduled during some downtime of the LHC. LHC status

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