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Terry Coatta VP Development, Silicon Chalk

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1 “software to enhance the educational value of computers in the classroom and beyond”
Terry Coatta VP Development, Silicon Chalk Copyright 2003 Silicon Chalk Inc. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 What’s Next? Technology in education has given a lot
Course management systems Discipline specific (e.g. Mathematica) Online testing Simulations, case studies So what else can we do with technology? More content, better organization General support of learning Vision Features Demo

3 Pervasive Learning Pervasive computing Pervasive learning
Computers wherever you need them Pervasive learning Computer support of learning everywhere Current solutions only address limited contexts Need support for learning In and out of the classroom Synchronously and asynchronously Distant and present In groups and by oneself Vision Features Demo

4 Learning Contexts Learning occurs in many contexts
Each context has unique properties How do we make learning pervasive? By supporting the different properties and making it easy to transition from one context to another Vision Features Demo

5 Features What types of features are important?
Helping improve interaction and collaboration Capturing the information and interactions for later review and refinement Allowing one to work, even when not connected to the net or participating after the fact Vision Features Demo

6 Capturing the Experience
Transform any environment into a smart classroom Records the entire educational experience Incorporates material from the instructor, notes from the student, and interactions with others Uses the laptop to enhance and augment classroom activities such as presentation, feedback, demonstrations, problem solving, etc. Vision Features Demo

7 Blurring the Boundaries
Silicon Chalk also supports blended educational styles Remote students can actively participate in a class in real time via the software Students and instructors can carry out most activities asynchronously (outside of the classroom) Software can be used by study groups or project teams to collaborate/interact Vision Features Demo

8 Thank You Terry Coatta VP Development, Silicon Chalk

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