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Presentation on theme: "DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Committee of Five 1. Thomas Jefferson --- Virginia 2. John Adams --- Massachusetts 3. Benjamin Franklin --- Pennsylvania 4. Roger Sherman --- Connecticut 5. Robert Livingston --- New York

3 Subcommittee of Three or Two?
Sherman and Livingston play only a small role, if any, in writing the first draft of the document Franklin, because of age and health, also did not contribute a great deal Adams and Jefferson met for the first time when they came to Philadelphia, the beginning of a long relationship which ended fifty years later when both died on the same day --- July 4, 1826

4 According to Jefferson, in a story told by Professor Carl Becker, Adams insisted that Jefferson compose the first draft of the document for three reasons: 1. You are a Virginian, and a Virginian ought to be the head of this. 2. You are a far better writer than I am. 3. You are popular and well-liked, and I am not.

5 Jefferson Authors the First Draft of the Declaration
Jefferson presented his first draft to Adams and Franklin who made a few minor changes, mainly verbal Jefferson accepted the changes made by Adams and Franklin and was not bothered by their changes New version of the document submitted to the Continental Congress which made several major changes which bothered Jefferson until his death. Jefferson says, “they ruined the document.”

6 Three Things For Which Jefferson Wanted To Be Remembered
1. Author of the Declaration of Independence 2. Author of the Virginia Statute For Religious Freedom 3. Founder of the University of Virginia

7 Understanding Jefferson -- What He Wrote and Why
The 18th Century --- Age of Reason or Age of Enlightenment Jefferson the Deist --- “the laws of nature and nature’s God” George Mason and the Virginia Declaration of Rights John Locke and the Second Treatise on Civil Government

8 Why Written? 1. Obvious reason --- declare independence and explain why we were taking this action 2. To unify our own people who are divided one- third, one-third, one-third 3. To appeal to people of other nations for help Did we get any? From?

9 What Is Not Specifically Mentioned? Why Not?
Parliament Rights of Englishmen

10 Your Special Version of the Declaration
Real Declaration—no title; not divided into sections Your Special Version: Divided into Five Sections: Preamble 2. A New Theory of Government 3. Reasons For Separation, 4. We Have Tried To Resolve Our Differences 5. A Formal Declaration of War Grievances Numbered – How Many?

11 A New Theory of Government: John Locke’s Four “Radical” Ideas
1. All men are created equal All men are born with certain unalienable rights (natural rights) among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness The people create government through an agreement among themselves to do so in order to protect their natural rights If government is not doing what the people created it to do, it is their right to alter or abolish the government and set up a new one in its place

12 Reasons For Separation: Three Groups of 27 Specific Grievances
GROUP I: #1-12 Two things in common: 1. Fairly mild and complicated 2. All begin with “He” GROUP II: #13-22 Two things in common: 1. More serious, easier to understand 2. “He” has combined with “others” Meaning? GROUP III: # Two things in common: 1. Most serious (“war crimes”) 2. All begin with “He” once more

13 We Have Tried To Resolve Our Differences
We Have humbly petitioned for redress but have been rejected and more injury heaped upon us “A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” We have also pleaded with our English brethren, but they also have not listened to us. They too are thus our enemies in war but in peace our friends

14 A Formal Declaration of War:
“We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”


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