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My Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day By Amia

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Presentation on theme: "My Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day By Amia"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day By Amia

2 One day I was in bed. I kept rolling over and over. I fell ouch
One day I was in bed. I kept rolling over and over. I fell ouch! on my head! I knew I was going to have a Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day.


4 I was in school and got call to the office. I had to go to the dokter
I was in school and got call to the office. I had to go to the dokter. She stuck me with a needle in my arm. It hart! I fill realy nrevis going to the Dokter.


6 Win I got home my dog scratched me hard. My arm started to bleed
Win I got home my dog scratched me hard! My arm started to bleed. I got a rag and I put it on my arm so it would stop bleeding. It was the SAME arm I got my shot in!


8 I hope I never have a day like that again.

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