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Nouns Names a person, place, thing, or an idea. Person- Mrs

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1 Nouns Names a person, place, thing, or an idea. Person- Mrs
Nouns Names a person, place, thing, or an idea. Person- Mrs. Wallace, Coach Wallace Place- South Habersham Middle School, neighborhood Thing- money, earrings, gum Idea- strength, intelligence, love, luck

2 Nouns can also be common and proper.
-common nouns- names a person, place, or thing. (ex) girl, school, ring -proper nouns- names a specific person, place, or thing. (ex) Taylor, Wal-Mart, Meorial Day

3 army audience society team class committee company corporation
Collective Nouns Nouns name people, places, and things. Collective nouns name groups [things] composed of members [usually people]. Examples: army audience society team class committee company corporation family

4 You classify concrete and abstract nouns by their ability to register on your five senses. If you can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel the item, it's a concrete noun. If, however, you cannot experience the item with any of your senses, it's abstract.

5 Here are two examples: Pizza is Godzilla's favorite food. Pizza = concrete because you can see, hear, smell, feel [though you get your fingers greasy], and, thankfully, taste it. Godzilla never tips the delivery boy from Papa John's; politeness is not one of Godzilla's strong points. Politeness = abstract [you cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or feel the quality itself].

6 Singular and Plural Singular = one Plural = more than one
Sometimes we just add an s, sometimes an es, sometimes the whole word changes when we make a noun plural, and sometimes it just stays the same!

7 Singular Plural Child Children Toy Toys Box Boxes Class Classes

8 Possessive Nouns To possess something means to own it.
A possessive noun shows ownership. We form possessive nouns with and apostrophe (‘). The woman’s hat blew off her head. Sally’s dog bites. The children’s voices were beautiful.

9 NOUNS Don’t worry- we’ll practice with nouns throughout the year.
Try to recognize the different types of nouns around you!

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